
Showing posts from April, 2009

Relief From Hemorrhoids With These Tips

Obtaining hemorrhoids relief is one area that everyone having hemorrhoids wants to get. After all, this disorder in particular is an extremely painful condition. Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins that are located in, or around, the anus. Oftentimes when they get inflamed they swell up; thus, becoming very sensitive. Because of the location of the hemorrhoids, friction, weight, walking and sitting cause irritation. This means that individuals who suffer with this condition would do well to test every known way of getting a little respite from their hemorrhoids. One means to get some hemorrhoids relief is to take a mildly warm bath. Called a Sitz bath, this is easily set up by simply filling your tub with enough warm water to barely reach past your backside, and sitting in this water for a few moments. This can do a lot to alleviate discomfort. Something different that is a popular choice to give relief to those in need is the essential oil, Cypress. Because of its pungent