
Showing posts from September, 2009

Natural allergy remedies

Natural allergy remedies always help in improving the allergy condition provided they are used properly and in accordance with the methods. In fact the results are quite surprising at times even to the extent that the allergy medications are no longer required and I bear testimony to this fact as I use it always. There can be no doubt regarding the effectiveness of the therapy. So I decided to share through this article the most effective of the natural remedies for allergy practiced around the globe. 1. Changing the Eating and Diet Habits Amongst the best remedies of the natural kind that combat allergies is changing the diet. The fact is that allergies are inflammatory in nature; therefore if anyone suffering from this disease is able to contain or block the production of the bodily chemicals that inflammatory then they can pretty much control the problem of their allergy. Having said that, one needs to know the method of containing or blocking the inflammatory che
The short and simple answer is, yes, quinoa is gluten free. Contrary to what many people believe, quinoa is not a grain. It is the seed of the goosefoot plant, which is closely related to the spinach. Aside from the seeds, the leaves are also edible, though not as widely marketed as the seed. They have been around since the time of the Inca civilization. The quinoa seed is one of the many food choices open to people who have celiac disease or who have some form of gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity and need to stay on a gluten free diet. But what makes quinoa far superior to other gluten free foods is the nutritive value of this food. One of the most celebrated qualities of quinoa is its protein content. It makes a good substitute to meat as a source of protein. It contains all the required essential nutrients that our body needs in an easily digestible form. Aside from protein, it also includes good amounts of calcium and iron. Quinoa contains high levels of magn

Running Parachutes for Football Players

It blows my mind that training aids such as the running parachute are not used in every high school and collegiate speed training program. The biggest problem most athletes face in high school athletics today is that many athletes never realize their full potential due to lack of adequate training. So many high school athletes run track "on the side", football is their main sport. They take it easy on the track in the afternoon so they can work harder in the weightroom that evening. However, the running parachute increases core and leg strength while simultaneously boosting explosiveness. Speed and explosiveness, in my opinion, are the two most important characteristics a football player can have. On the collegiate level, many athletes are overworked and therefore overshooting their potential. By substituting workout aids in the place of extreme intensity workouts, athletes can reduce their risk of injury during two-a-days and other high intensity training se