
Showing posts from January, 2010

Today And Forever

How Did You Start Smoking Quit smoking today? As much as I can't stand to be around smoking today, I can't believe that I ever started - I would guess that most people end up feeling that was after they quit. I look back through the years and that question in amazement, because I quit smoking for good when I was 25, after smoking for 12 years. Yep, that means like a fool I started smoking when I was 13 - why, I guess because the older kids were doing it, and I wanted to be cool like them. My dad smoked all his adult life - 3-4 packs of Pall Mall non-filters a day. He hacked and choked, and he huffed and puffed; he actually ended up getting adult asthma that was probably from it. And then the surgeon general's warning came out and he quit overnight. But not me, I didn't believe in that stuff - so as he quit I started. I eventually stopped smoking overnight. I got a really bad case of the flue and couldn't have smoked if I wanted to. I thre

Homemade Penis Pump

Have you ever heard of something called a homemade penis pump? I remember when I first heard of it. It sounded pretty insane to me. Nothing could be that easy, could it? As it turns out, the homemade penis pump was intended for people that have erectile dysfunction. Any increase in size is a result of you being able to get your penis to become erect. Now I'm not sure about you, but that is not the results I had in mind when I ordered the thing. I wanted to get something that I would use to increase the size of my penis, by actually making it longer. I never had a problem becoming erect, so this thing did absolutely nothing for me. In the right situation, this homemade penis pump could be very useful, but for me it was useless. So my search continued for something that could increase the size of my penis. When I stumbled across something that actually worked in increasing the size of my penis, I had pretty much given up on the idea and had to be talked into trying