
Showing posts from June, 2010

Benefit from acupuncture

Recent studies have indicated that women undergoing IVF can benefit from acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice has become fairly mainstream over the last few years and the question, "how does acupuncture help with IVF" certainly merits further consideration. Practitioners believe that the procedure has a number of positive effects on both the male and female reproductive systems. It is thought that it can increase the chances of successful implantation and reduce miscarriage. Looking at the specifics, how does acupuncture help with IVF? Relaxation One paper which was published in 2002 indicates that acupuncture can help relieve stress levels considerably and that the reduction in stress hormones can be directly attributed to increased success rates. In physical terms, stress diverts blood from the uterus towards the glands responsible for coping with stress. A reduction in stress can help restore healthy blood flow and thus enhance fertility. Regulati

Massage Therapy And Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Many people experience stress and anxiety in their everyday lives. Anxiety is inherent to living and can be part of having a job and establishing relationships with other people. Worrying about getting a project done at work or having a fight with a spouse can provoke anxiety in many people. These events, however, can be emotionally strengthening at times; they can widen your comfort zone and help clear up misunderstandings with others. For some individuals, however, anxiety is ongoing. The feelings of nervousness and stress wear them down rather than building them up. These individuals carry fear with them every day. Anxiety overtakes them, preventing some sufferers from performing daily activities. The Report of the Surgeon General on Mental Health states that 16% of adults between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from various anxiety disorders for at least one year. Generalized anxiety disorder, with its hallmark symptom of persistent anxiety in everyday situations, is

How to Treat the Common Cold

Autumn is a common time of year to catch a cold, which relates to traditional Chinese medicine theory since each organ system corresponds to a particular season and wouldn't you know it lungs correspond to autumn. That does not mean you can only catch a cold in autumn just that colds are more prevalent especially if the lung system is weak or out of balance. Therefore fall is a good time to strengthen the lung system. Why is a strong lung system necessary? The lung system in Chinese medicine governs the nose, skin, breathing and is responsible for the circulation of Wei Qi, a protective energy closely related to the immune system in Western medicine. When this energy is strong the body is able to fight off disease, conversely when it is weak pathogens may enter the body leading to the common cold. How can Wei Qi be strengthened? Exercise, such as brisk walking outside can help circulate Qi and strengthen lung Qi. Proper diet and adequate rest also ensure that ene

Best Bodyweight Exercises For Men

Want an intense workout you can do at home? Well, you need to know how to high intensity exercises. If you keep doing the same, old, easy exercises, you'll never be able develop intense workouts. Add the following exercises in your regular routines, and see what happens: Forward Lunge The forward lunge is one of the toughest lower body movements, but not enough people are using them because, well, they're tough. All you need is your bodyweight to perform this movement. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can hold dumbbells if you want, but start off with the bodyweight version. Step forward with your right leg and take a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your left toe on the ground. This will help you maintain your balance. The left knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your body upright, with your chest up, back straight, and abs tight. Push with your right leg to starting position. Ho