
Showing posts from December, 2010

A Guide to Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Referred to as a gift from nature to us, essential aromatherapy oils have often provided natural remedies for minor ailments, beautified our body, and has assisted in the promotion of a positive outlook. These oils are usually extracted from plants; either through their flowers, stems, bark, roots, or even the very life blood of the plant itself, more commonly known as sap. To extract these precious essences from the plant, the varying parts of the plant first need to go through a distillation process. So, what makes essential oils so easy to obtain? A reputable essential aromatherapy book will tell you it's because they are widely available. That is because they are either grown naturally on farms or, in some cases, found growing in the wild. Either way, essential oils can be applied in a variety of physiological ways, essentially possessing the power to calm our very souls. Maybe it is the fact that civilizations were using essential oils nearly a thousand years a

Rejuvenating Massage Therapy

A simple massage can do wonders. It is a perfect stress buster and pain reliever. You can relax and enjoy a massage anytime! Our lifestyle, jobs, relationships and numerous other factors affect our well being. The daily challenges and situations of life demand a lot. Right from the moment we step out of the house in morning till the time we get back after a long day there is a continuous demand for energy and focus. A daily dose of all these activities often leaves us with very little time for rest and re-charging, a task of utmost importance. Life in the fast lane is tough! Cities and towns, apart from work, add to our stress with pollution, noise, traffic and so on. Cities hardly sleep. There is movement and activity round the clock. As a result - stress, insomnia, muscle spasms and many other conditions develop. These affect us physically, mentally and emotionally as well. If treated late or left untreated, these issues can become a serious health problem. Staying fi

Kick The Habit

If you're still smoking now, then you're doing so despite the obvious and very publicized facts about what it's actually doing to you and what it's still going to do to you - so although you may now want to kick the habit successfully and permanently, you're going to find that's just not the simple task that you originally thought it might be. Throughout a great many years of our history, there have been millions of people that have smoked while being blissfully ignorant of its' deadly effects. There's hardly anyone on the planet these days that could possibly claim ignorance of these effects. There's actually been a heap of opposition to the smoking of tobacco over the years, generally by the main religious bodies. In fact, even the Nazi's had a serious anti-tobacco movement which obviously came to a stop when they did at the end of WW2 - bet you never knew that! It was actually during the 1920s that German scientists made the

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy offers therapeutic healing in various ways and over multiple levels. While it may seem like a pleasurable luxury to many, it is actually a highly effective tactic for enhancing well-being. This discipline has gained popularity for several reasons and by many factions of the population. Reasons for increased popularity include: - Medical practitioners are becoming more aware of the interconnectedness of mind, body, emotions and spirit. They are realizing that healing and immune responses are aided by therapeutic touch methods. Many doctors, both naturopathic and traditional are incorporating massage techniques into their prescription remedies. Even health insurance companies are approving sessions with certified masseuses as a preventative and treatment measure. - Lack of human touch is rampant in our society. Societal norms of full plates, deadlines, traffic, and hours behind a computer often result in lack of adequate human touch in many individuals

Help Treat Asthma and Allergies

1. Here is a list of some very powerful acupuncture points you can rub with your fingers for 50-60 seconds at a time. You can do this for 3 or 4 times taking a 10-15 second break between rubbing: Large Intestine 20 - This point is on both sides of your face, level with the bottom of your nostril. When you smile you will feel a grove. This is where the point lies. Lung 9 - It is on the wrist crease, just below your thumb. After rubbing Lung 9 if you move your finger up 2 inches you will be at Lung 7. Conception Vessel 17 - This is found on your breastbone, in the center of the chest between the nipples. 2. Cleanse your nose: Instead of a decongestant over the counter medicine, use a saltwater solution (saline solution). Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup room temperature water. Gently squirt the solution in your nose, aiming toward the back, not the top of your head. If you swallow some water it won't hurt you. The water goes thr

The Right Diffuser

Aromatherapy diffusers are devices that can enable the dispersal of aromatherapy scents given a location or a room. These are specifically tailored in a specific aromatherapy product or item. In this case, it is important to truly have one diffuser that would be ideal for that item in order to maximize the use and the scent of it. Diffusers are used in order to spread the scent of an essential oil. This is one convenient method in order for you to simplify the process in such a way that you can simply leave the item alongside with the diffuser itself. With the current number of diffusers in the market, which one should you choose? Perhaps what would be best considered ideal and which one is not? Here are the key tips in choosing the right diffuser. Tip 1: Identify the types of diffuser. There are many types of aromatherapy diffusers today. As such it would be necessary for you to better know the different types so you can be able to know the use of that diffuser and