
Showing posts from February, 2011

Stress doesn't Affect Fertility Therapy

Stress is often mentioned as a fertility booster. However, recent research presents evidence that emotional stress does not affect the program's success IVF or other fertility treatments. The report, published in the British Medical Journal are answered during these myths believed about stress and pregnancy. To support his research, a team of experts from Cardiff University, analyzed 14 studies involving 3583 women. The study analyzed the results of previous studies regarding the efficacy (success) artificial insemination procedures. In the 14 studies examined, women who were respondents in stress levels were measured before starting fertility treatment. Their stress levels were measured using the technique of psychological measurement, including the character of the respondents, such as anxiety, stress, and depression that may be experienced. In each study team of researchers looked at whether the women had been under stress before the start of therapy or before pregna

Gandarusa for Male Contraception

Scientific fields of pharmaceuticals and led him tekuni reproduce variations on the idea of contraception. Now he obtained a patent on the findings of herbal tablets from leaf gandarusa male contraception. Herbal tablets for limiting births is the fruit of life's journey Eko Bambang Prajogo Wardojo (54). As a teenager, Bambang was intrigued to think can do nothing to take part in anticipation of blasting people. Persistence and determination turned out to be the ideals to fruition. Male contraceptive tablet has been found clinically tested in humans. Bambang obtain a patent on June 12, 2008. To obtain a patent, Bambang process must wait for seven years. He filed a patent acquisition since January 23, 2001. "Waiting for a patent for a long time," said Bambang, researcher and lecturer at the Department Farmakognisi and Phytochemicals Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, in his office, late January. On December 14, 2010, the National Family Planning

The Top 3 Exercises

Is there any thing visually that makes men more manly and sexy in the eyes of the rest half of the world, than a six pack abdomen? You should know how sexy you will be to a woman if you possess six pack abs. And to gain that, you will surely do hard work in and out of a gym. The combination of a low fat diet and a good aerobic routine is the most excellent. The article will provide you- men the most helpful exercises for your abdomen. Weighted Decline Crunches should be mentioned first and foremost. These crunches will help you to get pronounced abdominal muscles that most men long for. With this exercise, you just need to perform some simple movements but effective ones. You should have a decline bench; lie on it with a weight across your chess that necessarily is suitable to your strength and suffering. Then crunch your abs. The weight as well as the angle of the bench can absolutely be varied for variety. Actually, this abdominal exercise is preferably for boys, rath