
Showing posts from July, 2011

Tips to Make Your Penis Healthy

Health of the penis is a very important thing for a man, but is also much underrated. With those who feel healthy, penis no ulcers, itching, etc. could be the reason the recording reveals that the penis healthy. Though it's not just the health of the penis, how to get erection penis hard and durable, avoid premature ejaculation, etc. included into the penis health. There are so many ways that can be taken by men to be always healthy penis, and it can do in your daily life without wasting your time. Please read ..... Diet Diet is the most important thing you do to make your penis healthy. Why do you need to diet? diet can prevent you from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.. And also with you on a diet your endurance will increase, a high sex drive, increased energy, and organ of your body more healthy. Diet also can make your blood flow more smoothly include into your penis area. If the blood flow to your penis is fine, you'll easily get an erection. Vitamin Vitamins are goo

Beware of Doing Anal Sex

Relationship through the anus (anal sex), is a sexual activity you can do with your spouse. But if one party (men / women) do not want to have sex through the anus, you should not do because it would be detrimental to either party. Anal sex relationships should be conducted with the use of lubricant, because the anus does not have any reaction is different from that experienced vaginal sexual response if the woman aroused, the vagina will excrete lubricants. Anal sex relationships who do not use a lubricant, will cause the anus and your penis have blisters. Women who suffer from the disease around the anus (hemorrhoids), do not do anal sex as this will cause your hemorrhoids to be more severe due to rub the penis that occurs. If you are talking about this issue and discussion is fine, I'm sure your husband will understand if you have a problem around your anus.

6 Supplements Prevent Impotence

Impotence can occur at any age. Impotence can you prevent and treat you with the consumption of some supplements. This supplement not only to impotence alone, but for the health of other organs as well. Below are some supplements that you can use to prevent the occurrence of impotence: Multivitamins. Impotence can be prevented by taking a multivitamin. Very good multivitamin to your daily consumption. Multivitamins are created to prevent impotence is a multivitamin that contains iron. Creatine. Creatine is a supplement to a like exercise. Creatine can accelerate muscle recovery and muscle growth. Green Tea. Green tea can burn fat in your body. Fat is not good for your body because it can cause impotence. Fat contained in the body can narrow your blood flow, including to the penis. Saw Palmetto. Other impotence supplement saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is believed to cure impotence and increase fitness. Fish oil. Fish oil is good for your consumption. It can cure impotence and heart attacks

The Importance of Controlling Your Cholesterol

There are many ways of how to control cholesterol effectively. The food we eat has a lot to do with it. High cholesterol causes health hazards which include fatal heart attack and lead to arterial rupture, and the dangers of obesity. Bad cholesterol is not soluble in water, and the body fails to burn and then accumulated and turned into fat lipids. This is the line of arterial lipid, and if excessive blood flow resulting pile then becomes narrower. Narrow slowing blood flow and blood circulation to impose additional work for the heart. This condition will eventually lead to heart disease. Pounds of excess distort the natural shape and beauty of the body. One common lament of fat people is the inability to find clothes that fit, or the inability to wear fashionable clothes. Overweight people also find it difficult to perform strenuous activity. Staying fit is easy. It is only necessary focus and determination to achieve goals. Also, there are various ways on how to control cholesterol n

Method of Blood Circulation Streamlining Work For Optimal Heart

All you need to know that the heart be optimal it is necessary to smooth blood circulation. Blood circulation is very important for the continuity of the existing processes in the body. About 90 liters of oxygen-rich blood pumped by the heart each day and applied to the entire body through the blood vessels. The task of the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. Oxygen carried by blood flow to supply fuel to members of the body to function optimally. Please note that the job is very important, so keeping the smooth circulation of blood is an obligation. Cardiac work can be optimal in the presence of blood circulating smoothly. By the time you do not indulge or relax and rest, it does not mean the heart stops or take leisure activities. The heart will continue to work, to beat about 70 times per minute and about 5 liters of blood pumped around the body. For this process to be maintained, then the stability of oxygen is needed by the heart. The heart will beat twice as fast when y