
Showing posts from June, 2012

Diabetes abstinence?

Abstinence diabetes is one of the important part that must be endured by the patient in order to remain able to live normal, healthy even though it requires sacrifice and is very exceptional eagerness. In essence, such a prohibition is in force for diabetics blood sugar levels do not rise. The pattern of food and drink that is believed to minimize the rise in blood sugar so the sugar levels in the body can be kept under control. Although it is difficult to do but if the person is disciplined in avoiding foods that become taboo for diabetics, then bad things can be avoided and prevented. So, what are the foods and beverages should be avoided by people with diabetes? Foods that Have High Glycemic Index There are some foods that contain high glycemic index should be avoided by a problem with diabetes. That is, if a person with diabetes to consume foods that contain high glycemic index so blood sugar levels can rise dramatically. To avoid these symptoms diabetics are advised to stop cons

All About Heart Blockage

DEFINITION Blockage of the heart is a delay in the conduction of electrical current through the rod when atrioventicular, the files on His, or both branches of the files, all located between the atria and ventricles.     Some types of heart congestion caused no symptoms, but others cause fatigue, dizziness and fainting.     Elektrodiografi used to detect clogged heart. Some people need an artificial pacemaker. Clogged heart-classified as first degree when electrical conduction to the ventricles is slightly delayed, level-two when conduction is blocked temporarily, or level-three (full) when conduction is blocked completely. Most types of heart blockage is more common in older people. In the first-degree heart blockage, each electrical impulse from the atria reach the ventricles, but each one slows down for the second fragment as it moves through atrioventricular trunk. First-degree heart blockage is common in well-trained athletes, teenagers, young adults, and people with a high acti