
Showing posts from September, 2012

Prostate Cancer

DEFINITION This cancer occurs in the prostate (like a walnut-shaped gland that produces seminal fluid which maintains and delivers sperm). Growth is usually slow going, but there are some types of prostate cancer grow aggressively and spread quickly. This is one of many types of cancer that occurs in men. Symptoms and characteristics In the early stages, prostate cancer does not have the characteristics and symptoms. However, at a later stage, features characteristic and symptoms start to appear and look, like the following Blood on semen Swelling in the legs Discomfort in the pelvic area Bone pain Problematic when urinating The reduced quantity of urine Urine containing blood Causes & Risk Factors In addition to the symptoms and characteristics, it is better if we also know the causes of prostate cancer, for early eschew , let us see what caused it. Cause Actually, it is not clear what makes prostate cancer grow and thrive in the human body. Many scientists believe that ca