Healthy Living Tips and Mistakes


With all the advances medicine has made in recent years it has become much more efficient at treating many health problems that we have. Healthy Living Tips and Mistakes We all know however it is best to avoid health problems all together. By following a few simple healthy living tips you may be able to do this.


Men often ignore abnormal health symptoms and avoid going to doctors. This may be part of the reason why women tend to outlive us. Make sure that you have a yearly checkup. Make the appointment and keep it. There are some that need a little push so get a family member involved that will make sure you go to your doctor. It is in your best interest as well as theirs.


Avoid eating processed and fast foods. These are the types of foods that are full of sugar, unhealthy fats and salt. Instead include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean cuts of meat into your diet. Try to eat two meals of fish per week. A good tip when grocery shopping is to concentrate on items that are on the perimeter of the store. This is the area where you will find fresh foods. The aisles, for the most part, is where the unhealthier foods are.


The leading cause of death today is heart disease and regular exercise is known to be the best way that you can prevent it. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Choose something that you enjoy doing and it will be easier to stick with your program for the long term. Swimming, walking, softball or other forms of aerobic exercise will give you the most benefit.


One way that you can determine if your health is at risk is by your waistline. If your waist is larger than 40 inches this may be a reason for concern. Studies have shown that men with larger waistlines are more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues.

You are standing in your own way of living the healthful life you dream of. Here is what is stopping you and how to avoid these dangerous mistakes even doctors make!

Mistake #1:

You dedicate your life to taking care of others

You take care of your children, spouse, parents, friends, even your pets. You are also your family's own travel agent, tax professional, financial advisor, shopper, housekeeper, chef, teacher, therapist, chauffeur, etc.... Now I know this makes you feel needed and even loved but you are so busy you tend not to remember to take care of yourself. This is a very dangerous pattern. After all, at the end of the day how can you take care of everyone and everything if you don't feel good and your health is deteriorating?

You need to slow down and take care of your needs first. This was the hardest thing for me because I had never done that before.

It felt so selfish and really weird. But, what happened the day I decided to take care of myself first helped me change my life forever. It was so much easier than I thought. I found some simple strategies and I have never felt happier, and healthier. I have more patience and focus than I've ever had (and with 2 young kids this is a necessity!) and I have even more energy to do all I was doing before. (I just enjoy it more now)

Mistake #2:

You think it's too late

You haven't taken care of yourself for years! You figure the damage has been done and you can't change it now.

Have you ever tried to convince yourself to not care about what may be going on inside your body? After all, you can't see what's going on inside, and everything seems fine for now...But then comes a trip to the doctor's office and you stay up late the night before worrying about what they might find.
Why do we think this way? It really is never too late.

The body has the remarkable ability to heal itself quickly and effortlessly given the right nutrients. I know this first hand as I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease a few years ago, and by changing my diet to include rich natural fruits from all over the world I no longer have to take prescriptions everyday to control my disease.

Mistake #3:

Blaming Your genetics for your health

Did you know by the time you reach 50, your lifestyle, including your diet, determines 80% of how you age!! The remaining 20% is inherited genetics.

You have the power to age faster or slower depending on your lifestyle choices. The choices you make everyday determine your health and the path of the future.

I hope this Healthy Living Tips and Mistakes article could give you an idea to begin days with bright health.



  1. Those tips are definitely very helpful. Having proper nutrition results to a healthy lifestyle. You should take necessary vitamins such as lorna vanderhaeghe to support your health.


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