
Showing posts from May, 2011

Impotence not only occur in old age

Now impotence not only occur in old age, but the young man was experiencing. Impotence is the inability of a man to maintain erection at a reasonable time. The young man who feels that he suffered from impotence will usually be very scared and very stressed, because they think that he is of no use anymore, they feel low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and others. They feel very embarrassed to tell the problem to the doctor, so that the impotence continues for many years to cause more severe. Impotence treatment provided by a physician is usually not a drug that has a strong effect. Some doctors choose herbal medicine to be administered to these patients because herbal medicines are safer for health. Unfavorable lifestyle should be immediately stopped. As this will impact on male sexual health. Unhealthy foods, smoking, alcohol, and others will inhibit blood flow to the penis causing the penis hard to get an erection. Young men who suffer from impotence will usually disappear when th

What to Do To Body Fit - Fit All Day

Build a healthy and fit body is not something learned in one day but it takes discipline and commitment in the long run. At first it might seem a little heavy but after a while attempts to get fit or fitter body will become a pleasant habit. The following are the things that need to be done so that the body be fit: Enough to drink most of our body consists of water. Well hydrated body will accelerate metabolism and energy optimization. Do not let you feel thirsty and water is the best choice. Reduce drinks that contain lots of calories or sugar because it can promote weight loss. Nutritionally balanced would bother counting the number of calories per meal and the fact that each person may have different caloric needs vary. If you are too skinny should increase the amount of calories, while if too fat you should reduce your intake of calories and fat. But in general, the ratio of protein, fat required approximately 15% of calories, 25% fat and 60% carbohydrate. In addition

8 benefits of doing an intimate relationship

Intimate relationship after marriage is a good thing, but still a lot of husband and wife who do not know what the profit to the intimate relationship. Benefits intimate relationship experts and scholars of the World is possible to build a good energy / positive for both couples and to enhance the immune system (immune). Here I will explain the 8 benefits of doing an intimate relationship: 1. Able to Reduce Stress. The researchers in Scotland showed that the intimate relationship that is done regularly (2 days once), can lower your blood pressure and reduce the stress of the job or the other problem is in your mind. 2. Calorie burning. Would burn about 110 calories when you do an intimate relationship. This can make your body healthy because of bad fat in your body gradually decrease, and this is a diet that you can take. 3. Up the Immune System. Immunoglobulin A, or are often called the "IgA" will increase if you regularly make intimate relationships. This IgA function is

Cigarette Cause Impotence?

Anyone ever heard of that Cigarette Cause Impotence? before we discuss more deeply, we talked first about the general impotence .... Lots of men are very afraid of suffering from impotence. Men suffering from impotence can not have intercourse with your partner well because the penis does not function normally. Impotence is usually characterized by early-stage relationship that occurs very briefly (3-5 minutes), and end-stage he could not get an erection at all. Impotence in men with end-stage can not erect and worse still it is very difficult to get a stimulus from the opposite sex. If this is allowed to occur, could cause men to depression, frustration, until there are up to suicide. Impotence can be caused by various factors, ranging from diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, etc. can cause impotence. But this time we will discuss the impotence caused by smoking. Some men felt that smoking is a lifestyle or life style, but this will cause major problems on your penis. started fro

Food repellent Itchy

Food repellent Itchy Common Health Itching in the skin from insect bites , allergies , medications , etc. , can be removed with different try this natural way : - Bath milk . Mix oatmeal in milk evaporation ( milk that has reduced levels of airnya_ and use for bathing . Oatmeal (1-2 small bowls ) can also be mixed with warm water in a bathtub . Milk works well enough to repel the itching in the skin and make skin more subtle .   - Baking soda ( about 1 small bowl ) can also be mixed into a tub of warm water to reduce the itching due to irritation , insect bites , bee stings , and others . Soak about 30-60 minutes . For a little wound in the skin , mix three parts baking soda with one part water , then apply this paste to the area to itch . However , do not do this if the skin is injured .   - Apply lemon juice to the itching part of the body , allow it to dry . Oran