
Showing posts from August, 2011

You Nausea While Pregnant?

You Nausea While Pregnant ? Nausea and vomiting may be up to , is a sign of early pregnancy symptoms . Not all of this, but 90 percent of women experience it . Nausea to vomiting occurs usually in the first 3 months of gestation women, these feelings are normal . But with these uncomfortable feelings can interfere with your daily activities . Some of these ways you can do to reduce nausea and vomiting that occurs to you that are pregnant :      The Balanced nutrition intake . We recommend that you consume carbohydrates and proteins that have high levels . Do not forget also to the consumption of fruits and vegetables , you should eat little but often do . This can prevent you from lack of blood sugar present in your body .      Minimize movement of your body . Do not be too hasty every activity you do especially when you wake up in the morning . Slow movement of your body , this will reduce f

Physical factors of impotence.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to maintain an erection long enough time to complete intercourse. So there is a problem and this problem can result in very serious (divorce). Impotence occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive stress, and so forth. Impotence is now not only occurs in older men, but impotence can occur when young or adolescent. Impotence is common in early old age so that impotence is often attributed as the aging process, but see many teenagers today who have unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc., so many young men / teenagers who have experienced impotence problems. Many factors can cause impotence, but most of impotence due to physical factors, psychological factors, and lifestyle factors. I will explain about the impotence that occurs due to physical factors. Physical factors of impotence. In earlier times, the doctors agreed that impotence due to psychological problems, but now is not due to physical fa

Ways to Increase Your Libido

Lots of ways to increase libido, including the use of chemical drugs such as Viagra, etc.. But you know that drugs are harmful chemicals for your consumption? there are many ways to increase your libido either by changing your lifestyle to be healthier. Here I will describe some ways you can do to increase the libido in a safe manner. Please read the ... 1. Stop Alcohol Consumption. Alcohol is bad for your libido. Because depressant alcohol contains substances that will cause you stress, depression, mood to the reduction in inter-partner. Lots of rumors circulating that the consumption of alcohol, will increase your libido and make you more relaxed to have sex. 2. Reduce consumption of caffeine. Caffeine is proven to increase energy and relieve drowsiness, but this is only temporary. Adverse effects that occur if you consume caffeine is a decrease in cortisol levels. if your cortisol levels decreased, you will also experience decreased sexual desire / libido you. 3. Enough sleep. Famil