
Showing posts from May, 2012

All About Heart Attack Part 2

Diagnosis If a man over 35 or a woman over 50 complaining of chest pain, usually considered the possibility of a heart attack. Diagnosis of heart attacks could be strengthened by performing the following checks:     ECG     When a suspected heart attack, the ECG is the initial diagnostic examination of the most important. Some abnormalities can be seen on the EKG, depending on the size and location of heart damage.     Blood tests     Blood tests done to determine the levels of certain enzymes. CK-MB enzyme normally found in heart muscle and released into the blood when heart damage occurs. Elevated levels of this enzyme would appear within 6 hours after a heart attack and persist for 36-48 hours. Enzyme levels are usually checked at the time of patient admission and every 6-8 hours during the next 24 hours.     Echocardiogram     Echocardiogram will describe the reduced movement of a portion of the wall of the left ventricle (heart chamber that pumps blood throughout the body), whi

All About Heart Attack Part 1

DEFINITION Heart attack (myocardial infarction), (myocardial infarct), (myocardial infarction), is a situation where all of a sudden happen restriction or termination of blood flow to the heart, which causes the heart muscle (myocardium) to die from lack of oxygen. CAUSE A heart attack usually occurs when a blockage in a coronary artery results in limited or cut off blood flow to a part of the heart. If you cut off or reduced blood flow lasts more than a few minutes, the heart tissue will die. Pumping ability of the heart after a heart attack is directly related to the extent and location of tissue damage (infarct). If more than half of the damaged heart tissue, the heart can not function normally and the possibility of death. Even though the damage was not extensive, the heart can not pump properly, resulting in heart failure or shock. Damaged heart can be enlarged, and partly an attempt to compensate for the ability of the heart that pumps it down (because of the larger heart will

All About Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome

DEFINITION Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome is an abnormal heart rhythm in which the electrical impulses that dikonduksi along the path from the atria to the ventricles causing the incidence of heart the average speed is high. Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome is excessive involvement of the extra pathway (accessory). These extra lines present at birth but appear to regulate impulses to the heart only occasionally. This can occur in infants aged one year or no later than 60 years. SYMPTOMS Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome can cause sudden occurrence of a high heart rate with palpitations. In the first year of life, a baby may have heart failure if time extended. They sometimes seem like a difficult breathing or lethargic, stop eating or chest pulse rapid and visible. The first attack can occur in teens or early twenties. Typical attack begins abruptly often during exercise. It happened just a few seconds or last up to several hours to 12 hours are rare. In patients with a physically fit young or

Heart & Diabetes can be prevented by Tea

Is this the day you are drinking tea?. Very lucky for you who like to drink tea every day. Because the tea is very beneficial to help women free of diabetes and heart attacks. As reported Dailymail, Monday (2/20/2012), the research suggests that drinking tea regularly with or without milk may reduce the risk of heart problems by cutting levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Many experts say that the content of flavonoids - antioxidant ingredients found in tea is beneficial to fight heart disease. Flavonoid content in one cup of tea is 150-200 mg and is the best source of antioxidants in foods. To protect from heart disease can take three or more cups of black tea per day. Meanwhile, to protect against type 2 diabetes can drink two cups or more per day. Carrie Ruxton, a writer and member of the Nutrition Bulletin Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) said that the "Tea can be a community favorite drinks without us knowing." In the presence of flavonoid antioxidants, so that black te