
Showing posts from September, 2014

Smart Way Body Fight The air pollutionPollution

Exposure to pollution often can not be avoided. Even so, it turns the body has its own mechanism in counteracting pollution resulting in exposure to normal, the body is only getting minimal impact. Pulmonary specialist doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Agus Dwi Susanto explains, the body has a mechanism for disposal of carbon monoxide at a time, on the morning after waking. Carbon monoxide is known as the most abundant gas in air pollution, especially from vehicle exhaust. "Spending carbon monoxide gas will be equivalent to that enter the body from exposure to pollution with normal levels," said Dr. Agus when found in a healthcare discussion in Jakarta, some time ago. Pollution levels are normally interpreted as being on the road and drive a vehicle. However, if the exposure is more than that, the body's mechanism for removing carbon monoxide was not proportional to the amount of exposure that goes. Agus said, exposure to excessive

Air Pollutants Increase Risk of Heart Disease

Environment with high air pollution increases the risk of cardiovascular events and blood vessels. Oxidants or unstable oxygen molecules from air pollution are absorbed by the body causes blood vessels vulnerability. This was stated by Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Physician Specialists Cardiovascular (Perki) Anwar Santoso on World Heart Day, on Monday (29/9). The data show a positive correlation between high pollution with heart and blood vessel disease. Looking at current conditions, the prevalence of hypertension 25 percent, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus 5-10 percent, 40 percent prevalence of high cholesterol, and smoking prevalence of 30 percent, plus high air pollution, the risk of heart disease and blood vessels will increasingly doubled. "Unfortunately, public awareness remains low for healthy living," said Anwar. Chairman, Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Amiliana M Soesanto added,

Red Gingseng Expensive But Proportional to Its Benefits

Bukan tanpa alasan jika Korea Selatan disebut sebagai negeri ginseng. Di negara ini tumbuh subur tanaman ginseng merah yang tersohor khasiatnya.  Harga ginseng memang tidak murah, ginseng merah korea konon merupakan jenis yang paling mahal. Menurut William Adi Teja, ahli obat tradisional Tiongkok, harga satu kilogram ginseng merah hampir mencapai Rp 2 juta. Sementara itu ginseng putih biasa, harga perkilonya Rp 900 ribu. Tapi harga tersebut belum seberapa dibanding dengan ginseng liar yang harganya mencapai 200 juta rupiah perkilogram. Ginseng merah memang lebih sulit ditanam dan langka. Salah satu tempat yang menjadi rumah bagi tanaman ginseng adalah Punggi, Korea. Tanaman ini cocok tumbuh di sana karena berada di ketinggian 400-500 meter di atas permukaan laut, tanahnya subur, dan beriklim sejuk. Dari proses penanaman, ginseng merah membutuhkan waktu enam tahun agar bisa dipanen. Semakin tua ginsengnya, semakin baik kualitasnya. Alasannya, pada usia enam tahun ke atas

Don't Revenge

You never hurt a person and it is hard to forgive him? Do not be too long to keep the pain caused resentment. Keep a sense of revenge on someone there is no benefit. Revenge on a person can actually be bad for health. Instead, give forgiveness for the heart and will make a positive energy within you. "We all have people we do not like, whether adverse impact by saving on their anger?" The psychologist said, Seth Meyers. According to Meyers, there are several reasons why storing the resentment is not good for health. make stress A study shows, keep a sense of resentment and negative thinking, not mental health. Saving resentment can also increase anxiety to frustration. The study, published in the journal Psychological Science found that negative thinking can trigger stress. Heart rate and blood pressure will be higher than they are willing to give forgiveness. Impact on physical health Resentment was not only bad for the mind, but physical health. Researchers from

Saturated and Stress in the Office Can Be Due Not Lunch

Piling work at the office, overtime, and was getting heavy workload may make you feel depressed to stress. You also feel tired, helpless, tired, and decreased motivation to do the job. This condition is known as syndrome 'burnout'. A recent study published by the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology shows, all the problems in the office was not the only factor that causes a person to experience burnout at work. According to this study, there are three other things that can cause you to face job burnout. Lack of support When was bored with the job, you do not have the support or the injection of the spirit of the family. You also do not have someone who can listen to the problems of work in the office. Researchers in Canada say, the burden of thinking the problem jobs will be lost if you tell it to relatives or family. Less socializing A study states, people who do a lot of social activities are less likely to burnout syndrome. After work, take th

So hard to Pregnant Causes of Depression

Has the child been a dream of almost all married couples. Therefore do not be surprised if women are not getting pregnant, even after pregnancy program, a three times greater risk of experiencing depression. Unrealized desire to have a family to be one of the reasons of mental disorder in women. Meanwhile, those who can legowo against his desire to become pregnant tend to feel happy. This study was conducted on 7,000 women after they undergo pregnancy program that failed and their mental health examined a decade later. The women were already doing IVF (IVF) in several hospitals in the Netherlands from 1995 to 2000 Then, 11-17 years later they were asked to fill out questionnaires related to their mental health. It turns out that 6 percent of women still expect to have children. "Almost most people who have undergone the program pregnancy but not pregnant also does have a mental condition worse., But previous studies have assumed this because of the child or not, does n

The longer Treated in Hospitals, the greater the risk of infection

Who linger stay in the hospital? In addition due to boredom and therapeutic treatment is not good, it turns out that a long hospitalization in the hospital may increase the risk of a more severe infection. According to the researchers, the longer someone stays in the hospital, the more vulnerable he was exposed to drug-resistant bacterial infections. A study was conducted to investigate 949 cases of infection of insect drug-resistant bacteria called gram-negative from 1998 to 2011 results show that one-day stay in the hospital alone would increase the risk of developing drug-resistant infection at 1%. Gram-negative bacterial infections known to cause problems of some acute diseases and infections such as pneumonia (lung inflammation), blood stream infections, postoperative infections and meningitis. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that the gram-negative bacteria resistant to several types of drugs and the stronger to some antibiotics. The use of drugs and

Maggot Therapy Substitute Antibiotics

Imagine if you suffered severe injuries and was in a secluded spot incomplete medical personnel. What to do? The doctors in poor countries have found the answer: maggot therapy substitute for antibiotics. Kenya is one of the poorer countries that do not have advanced medical technology. Because of funding constraints, the doctor uses a method of maggot therapy for wound healing. For most ordinary people in Kenya, adequate medical care was not affordable. Therefore, alternative medicine technique using maggots is adopted by a number of hospitals. Dr. Christopher Kibiwot, members of the research team Kenyatta National Hospital, said that the therapy is very effective. Patients usually need to be treated for up to three months can now go home within two or three weeks after undergoing maggot therapy. How maggot therapy is a substitute for antibiotics can heal wounds? Dr. Kiwibot explained that basically maggots eat necrotic tissue (dead meat). So these maggots compete with bact

"Mood" Quick Change, Signs of Bipolar Disorder?

Every human being has two poles basically feeling, the feeling of joy and also sadness. Changes in mood (mood) can be experienced in accordance with the conditions interchangeably and not excessive. However, mood changes can occur in the extreme to those who suffer from bipolar disorder. Psychiatric specialist doctors from the Department of Psychiatry Faculty of medicine / RSCM Nurmiati Amir said, mood changes alone do not necessarily indicate the presence of bipolar disorder. To make a proper diagnosis, appropriate interview techniques are needed. "With proper interview techniques, the diagnosis can be established. However, the interview can only be performed by a psychiatrist (specialist psychiatric)," said Nurmiati a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday (08/13/2014). In addition to in-depth interviews with patients, sometimes necessary investigations, such as laboratory tests. However, most psychiatrists have been able to make a precise diagnosis through interview

Fatal Combination Drugs Affects

Reluctance to consult a doctor when there are disturbance disease makes people tend to treat their own illness by buying OTC drugs. This can be dangerous because of the risk we are taking the drug with other drugs. In some cases, a combination of two or more drugs is required. But the wrong combination can be fatal. Here are some combinations of drugs that could potentially poison the body. SSRIs + Opioids (antidepressant + pain reliever) Some types of antidepressants work by increasing levels of hormones "happy" or serotonin in the brain. Most painkillers also have a similar effect, so that the result is too feel happy. Serotonin levels that are too high can cause loss of consciousness, the body temperature rises, heart rate and breathing increase. Opioids + Benzodiazepines (pain reliever + anti-anxiety drugs) Both medicines work to suppress the feeling of depression and excessive anxiety. But both kinds of these pills also decrease the heart rate and breathi

Why Scientists Didn't Make Ebola Vaccine?

Although the ebola virus has been found since 40 years ago, until now there is no vaccine to protect humans from this malignant disease. Moreover, the infection was spread in Africa today has killed more than 1000 people. WHO noted, this is the biggest in the history of Ebola infection. Ebola infection is actually a rare disease. That's why pharmaceutical companies have not been too interested in investing to conduct vaccine research. According Dr.Willian Schaffner of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, USA, as it includes rare, scientists are also difficult to study in this field. "Unlike the smallpox virus because they can find people who are exposed to this disease everywhere," he said. Prior to the outbreak, since the virus was first discovered in 1976 there were only 2,000 cases. But when the disease is endemic, existing since the beginning of the year 1,323 people were infected in 3 countries and 729 of them died. Emergency situation is occurring now in Afri

Cycling Improve Sex Life and Career

Cycling is now not just used as a hobby when there is free time, many people also choose to cycle to work. According to recent studies, the habit of cycling not only makes your body fitter, more than the people who frequent cycling also known to have good sex. Compared with the use of other means of transportation, cycling people who claim to be happier when biking to work. Another benefit is that they feel more productive at work. This is revealed in a survey conducted in the UK were carried out on 2,500 people who regularly cycle to work. As many as 89 percent of states, cycling from home to the workplace would make them become better feeling when meeting colleagues, friends and family. In fact, 66 percent assess its relationship with the relatives is also getting better. Meanwhile, 39 percent said that this sport gives them extra energy. Cycling is not only a positive impact on family life, but also in careers. Many of them find it easier to manage a heavy workload. A total

How Long Ideally Men Survive in Bed?

How long should ideally mighty man in bed? Many men are often less confident with the ability to satisfy your partner in bed. Some think they at least should last more than an hour. This assumption is reasonable because we've been bombarded with impressions films or magazines that make men believe that women enjoy (and need) a long session. Unfortunately, the ability of the male sex is not always excellent. In a study published in The New Naked: The Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups penetration was found that when the average male only lasts for two minutes, even less. Although the time seem very fast, but the good news is that women were not much complain with their sexual ability. Actually not a woman who wants sex longer, but instead a man who wants to extend the capabilities of lovemaking. If you really want to have a sex session longer than usual, there are some things that can actually help. - Do not forget to practice Kegel exercises. Men who regularly perfor

Efficacy of White Turmeric

Herbal remedies derived from natural plants has become an alternative to conventional medical treatment. Herbs not only believed to cure common diseases. Malignant tumors or even cancer can be cured. Herbal treatment for his own cancer has been demonstrated by Eko Wahjuni. Wahjuni is a physician who suffered from cancer of the breast, ovary, lung, small intestine, to the bladder. He simply consume turmeric turmeric white or white to kill the cancer in his body. Wahjuni explained, white turmeric ribosome inactivating protein-containing substances (RIP). In the body, these substances will stick to the normal body cells are lacking. These substances then make the cells no longer proliferate. Cells also have age restrictions so that after a long time not breed, the cancer cells will die. "White turmeric does not kill, but make cancer cells grown infertile or not," said Wahjuni when met at Siloam Hospital, TB Simatupang, Saturday (06/09/2014). Wahjuni recognize these p