It Start from our mind

Every man would want to be happy. However, each person has a different perception of happiness, as well as how to be happy. Although not easy to always be happy, someone can create their own happiness because of a person's happiness is the brain begins.

Early February, the Central Bureau of Statistics launched the Indonesian Happiness Index 2014 survey was to measure the level of satisfaction of life of citizens that can be used to measure the well-being of citizens. As a result, Indonesian people are more satisfied with the harmony of the family, security, environmental conditions, as well as their social relationships. However, satisfaction with education, income, housing, employment, and low health.

Based on the demographic and economic characteristics of residents, community groups happiest are those who live in the city, female, unmarried, aged 25-40 years, master's or doctoral education, and the highest income.

Happiness index also made globally to assess the welfare of the people of the world. So far, economic development that reduces poverty is considered as the main drivers of public happiness. In fact, the economic factor is not always decisive.

World Happiness Index (World Happiness Report) 2013 Sustainable Development Solutions Network composed of the United Nations (UN SDSN) showed that of the 156 countries surveyed, the happiest societies are citizens of Scandinavia and Western Europe. The level of happiness citizens in countries economic superpower is not too high.

In addition to the happiness index compiled by each state, a global survey was coupled with a healthy life expectancy, perceptions of corruption, income per capita, freedom of speech, social support, and generosity.


The presence of the happiness index raises the pros and cons. The index is expected to measure human quality is more intact than the Human Development Index (HDI) was deemed to be too stressed the economic aspect of the measure of human happiness as the goal of development. Moreover, happiness is volatile and difficult to measure.

"Various research shows, is not directly related to material possessions with happiness. However, various research consistently shows the group is able to be happier than the shortfall, "said researcher Mental Health Center, Faculty of Psychology, University of Gadjah Mada, Rahmat Hidayat, Thursday (12/2).

In measuring happiness, materialistic factors can not be ignored. However, it is not the only determinants of happiness.

Happiness is self-determined reference used. Selection of reference is highly dependent on how we judge what is in themselves and the environment and what we have. "The more complex living environment, a growing number of comparators that can be a reference. It makes a person susceptible less happy, "he said.

Factors that references made those living in countries small, remote islands, and disadvantaged areas can be happy. However, the presence of television technology in particular makes them happy reduced levels because of the abundant supply of happiness reference.

Head of the Center for Brain and Social Behavior Sam Ratulangi University who is also the Secretary General of the Society Neuroscience Indonesia Taufiq Pasiak say, happiness related liver flavor, how does one look inside. The satisfaction that a reference preparation happiness index would encourage someone to look out themselves.

Happiness mixed in with economic matters did not last long. According to Taufiq, citing research Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California Riverside, USA, promotions only give happiness three months. After that, a sense of unhappy will appear for wanting a higher position.

Self assess the ability of a person so key to happiness is highly influenced by a person's cognitive abilities. Happy concept is based on the ability to think it is taught in philosophy, religion, and culture of the East. Perspective it makes more meaningful happiness philosophical and theological.

Therefore, happiness is very related to the ability of the brain. "Happiness is determined one's ability to think, how she perceives and interprets something," said Taufiq.

Someone who is happy reflected in the tranquility of his life, tough face each pressure and temptation. He also has a good spiritual life which makes it able to be grateful, patient, and sincere.


In addition to the reference and the ability to see yourself, cultural factors determine a person's happiness. Most cultures emphasize the ownership of the material as a measure of happiness. However, there is also a culture that teaches us to accept what is, make yourself as reference.

In the context of the nation, Grace judge, cultural outlook accept what is there to support the nation's efforts to make competitive, achievement-oriented, and never satisfied with what was accomplished. However, the concept of risk increases depression citizens.

Therefore, the balance so key to a happy life. Pursuing any excess material not offset the origin of social and family life. "Happiness is essential when someone feel welcome or to benefit others," said Taufiq.


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