The short and simple answer is, yes, quinoa is gluten free. Contrary to what many people believe, quinoa is not a grain. It is the seed of the goosefoot plant, which is closely related to the spinach. Aside from the seeds, the leaves are also edible, though not as widely marketed as the seed. They have been around since the time of the Inca civilization.
The quinoa seed is one of the many food choices open to people who have celiac disease or who have some form of gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity and need to stay on a gluten free diet. But what makes quinoa far superior to other gluten free foods is the nutritive value of this food.
One of the most celebrated qualities of quinoa is its protein content. It makes a good substitute to meat as a source of protein. It contains all the required essential nutrients that our body needs in an easily digestible form. Aside from protein, it also includes good amounts of calcium and iron.
Quinoa contains high levels of magnesium. It is an excellent source of fiber and starch. It contains phosphorous, copper and tryptophan. And despite being a nutrition powerhouse, quinoa is low in calories!
Quinoa is thought to rival milk in terms of completeness. In fact, quinoa is one of the food that NASA is studying to sustain astronauts for longer duration space exploration precisely because it is one of the most wholesome foods around.
The nice thing about quinoa is that it has a mild, nutty flavor that easily absorbs the flavor of the other ingredients. It has a slightly crunchy texture which many people enjoy. They can be steamed, simmered, sauteed, added to salads, soups and main dishes. Quinoa can be sprouted and eaten raw, added to salads and to sandwiches. Quinoa is also available in flakes and flour form, which can be used to bake bread and other pastries.
It is widely recognized that quinoa seeds and sprouts are gluten free. However, quinoa flakes and flour may contain traces of gluten. This is because commercial quinoa flakes and quinoa flour may be processed in plants that also process other forms of flour such as wheat flour. There is the danger of contamination when similar machines are used to make the flour. When consuming foods made from quinoa flour, it might be worthwhile to get some assurance from the manufacturer regarding their manufacturing process.


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