Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang ylang essential oil has a long history. It originated out of Southeast Asia, though it is popular now in other parts of the world. The oils are extracted from the ylang ylang flower petals. The petals are typically picked early in the morning so the maximum amount of oil can be extracted.
Ylang ylang has an intoxicating fragrance. It has a long history of being used because of its exotic scent. Indonesia, for example, use to spread the ylang ylang flowers on the marriage bed of a newlywed couple.
It is also known for treating medical conditions. It is used to relieve skin that is irritated by bites from insects. It is used a lot in skin ointment for skin diseases or skin irritations.
It also aids hair that needs restoration or re-growth. It can be beneficial for people who are trying to fight infections. It prevents the fever from coming on in the first place.
It mixes well with carrier oils and other essential oils. In particular it mixes well with rosewood, clove and lemon. Other oils are ginger, orange, eucalyptus, jasmine, sandalwood and rose.
It is also used a lot to help with emotions. It is known to work towards joy, calm, and enthusiasm. It promotes a healthy emotional state, and encourages people to improve their self-confidence level.
Male-female energies are aided by ylang ylang. When aromatherapy is used, it can increase ones thoughts and focus. Aromatherapy with ylang ylang promotes a peaceful feeling that can aid relaxation and relief.
There are other benefits involved with using the oil. For example, it can help regulate the heartbeat. It can be used to help cardiac arrhythmia and cardiac problems. It can also aid people who are suffering from digestive problems, especially intestinal complaints. It is also believed to be an anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory oil.


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