Benefit from acupuncture

Recent studies have indicated that women undergoing IVF can benefit from acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice has become fairly mainstream over the last few years and the question, "how does acupuncture help with IVF" certainly merits further consideration.
Practitioners believe that the procedure has a number of positive effects on both the male and female reproductive systems. It is thought that it can increase the chances of successful implantation and reduce miscarriage.
Looking at the specifics, how does acupuncture help with IVF?
One paper which was published in 2002 indicates that acupuncture can help relieve stress levels considerably and that the reduction in stress hormones can be directly attributed to increased success rates. In physical terms, stress diverts blood from the uterus towards the glands responsible for coping with stress. A reduction in stress can help restore healthy blood flow and thus enhance fertility.
Regulation Of Hormones
Acupuncture can help treat problems within the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The needles stimulate the release of beta-endorphins which influence the production of reproductive hormones. This can regulate the menstrual cycle, restore and promote good ovarian function, helping to produce healthier eggs.
Reduction Of Side Effects From Fertility Drugs
IVF procedures include the use of fertility drugs to help induce multiple egg release. Clomid, one of the most popular drugs can actually cause thinning of the uterine lining which can make sustaining an embryo problematic. For those wondering how acupuncture does help with IVF, in this instance, the improvement in blood flow to the uterus can help produce a rich, thick lining. One study showed that women who received acupuncture 25 minutes before embryo transfer and 25 minutes afterwards had a marked increase in pregnancy rate compared to those who did not receive the treatment.
Lowering Of Miscarriage Rates
One paper presented for the American Society of Reproductive medicine indicated that acupuncture could help increase the live birth rate. The study followed 131 women, 48 of whom had acupuncture whilst the rest did not. Although implantation rates were very similar, the miscarriage rate in those having acupuncture was much lower.
You have seen above the answers to the question, "how does acupuncture help with IVF" but then the decision is whether or not to go ahead. Most doctors will have an opinion on the subject with many now advocating acupuncture and some recommending local practitioners.
If you would like further comprehensive information on how you can significantly increase your chances of IVF success, you might like to consider taking a look at the program, The Full Embrace.
Specifically designed to teach you exactly what to do before in vitro fertilization, this program will help dramatically improve your chances of becoming pregnant with just one cycle, using techniques which are scientifically proven to work. It contains comprehensive information about alternative procedures and answers to the question, how does acupuncture help with IVF.


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