Gandarusa for Male Contraception

Scientific fields of pharmaceuticals and led him tekuni reproduce variations on the idea of contraception. Now he obtained a patent on the findings of herbal tablets from leaf gandarusa male contraception.

Herbal tablets for limiting births is the fruit of life's journey Eko Bambang Prajogo Wardojo (54). As a teenager, Bambang was intrigued to think can do nothing to take part in anticipation of blasting people. Persistence and determination turned out to be the ideals to fruition.

Male contraceptive tablet has been found clinically tested in humans. Bambang obtain a patent on June 12, 2008. To obtain a patent, Bambang process must wait for seven years. He filed a patent acquisition since January 23, 2001.

"Waiting for a patent for a long time," said Bambang, researcher and lecturer at the Department Farmakognisi and Phytochemicals Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, in his office, late January.

On December 14, 2010, the National Family Planning Coordinating Board launched a herbal male contraceptive tablets was to be mass produced. Manufacturers are towed are PT Indofarma (Persero).

However, tablets that will not be found on the market. After the launch was not immediately produced. According to Bambang, the company still would test again in a more accurate clinical and massive.

Earlier, Bambang tablet clinically tested extract gandarusa (Justicia gendarussa), involving 36 male volunteers who have a spouse and both are fertile. As a result, herbal tablet was shown to weaken the male sperm cells periodically. That is, the tablet was safe because they do not spay man permanently.

To prepare for mass production, Bambang said, would be a clinical trial with 350 male volunteers. "Those who are selected to undergo clinical trials is not just any man, but men who already have a spouse (wife) and both were fertile," said Bambang.

Another target would be achieved is the active compound gandarusa grown faster in spay sperm. "The target can be active at work after 30 minutes of drinking, such as conventional drugs," said Bambang.

Mahar less

Leaf gandarusa not necessarily be an inspiration Bambang. He had been researching the fruit of which is believed to weaken the sperm. During the complete S-1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, until 1983, Bambang has been researching pare (Momordica charantia).

At that time he managed to prove the efficacy of the active compound can weaken pare sperm cells of animals temporarily. Bambang then presents the results of that research in the V National Congress of Indonesian Institute of Pharmacology in 1983 in Semarang.

After that, Bambang still continue research on the efficacy pare. Just four years later he transferred to the research gandarusa leaf.

"I started researching gandarusa in 1987. Inspiration from ethnobotany research investigators Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta) about marriage with a dowry tradition is less in Papua, "said Bambang.

In the tradition of certain tribes in Papua entities, he added, implemented a requirement for male applicants who brought her dowry (dowry) is less than expected. Although the groom still allowed to marry the girl, he can not impregnate his wife prior to fulfilling the required dowry. "To avoid pregnancy, the man fed gandarusa leaves," said Bambang.

When dowry met, then the man may impregnate the girl. After obtaining a "green light" that the man had stopped eating leaves gandarusa.

Gandarusa plant is a shrub that grows in the lowlands. Gandarusa grow to two meters tall, trunked black or green with purple-colored leaf branches brownish shiny.

Bambang who claimed to have never been to Papua have been picking lessons from the habit of traditional Indonesian society. Traditional society turned out to know the many benefits of plants around them without knowing the description of the scientific content in it. For researchers, this should be a field of inspiration for further scientific research.

Herbal tropical

Bambang more often present in various international symposia. Recently in Lausanne, Switzerland, he heavily emphasized to students of reproductive and population issues in the international scope of the importance of adding a safe contraceptive choice. Among the choices of safe contraceptives, he called tropical herbal ingredients.

It should also add alternative contraceptives for men. Because, during this more contraceptive drugs or devices intended for women.

Year 2010 Bambang also spoke at the symposium "Innovative Ideas in Natural Medicine Research: Perspective Views, Social Science, Molecular Biology, and Nano Materials" at University of Toyama, Japan. Also, in Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, 2010 in Singapore. Then continue on the Joint Annual Meeting of The American Society of Pharmacognosy and The Phytochemical Society of North America: Natural Solutions to 21st Century Problem-from Discovery to Commercialization in St. Petersburg, Tampa, Florida, United States.

"I will continue to bring inspiration findings gandarusa herbal tablet for male contraception is a global issue," he said.

Bambang trigger herbal tablet for male contraception. He contribute to change the traditional knowledge into modern science.



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