
Showing posts from 2011

Shrink Belly Fat

Maybe you've tried various ways to shrink belly fat like taking certain drugs that are expensive but do not get satisfactory results. For this problem you do not need to worry because there are several ways to shrink belly fat is easy and cheap of course, some of which are as follows: Sport Regular exercise is an important role because it can burn fat in your body. A good exercise is at the time of the morning and afternoon. For the morning, you are advised to do light exercise such as swimming, aerobics, treadmill, or sit-ups. As for the late afternoon you can do weight-training. To be effective, you can ask for help fitness instructor to get the proper exercises to target your stomach tighten. Lifestyle Your lifestyle is not good also can lead to belly fat. You are advised to do the following:      Get plenty of rest and avoid staying up late.      Avoid over dinner at 9 pm.      Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day so your metabolism more smoothly.      Try a specific

Beautiful Skin With Fruit Mask

Dominated from the beauty of a face, a face that glow makes a man could have fallen in love with you. Increased age and unhealthy lifestyle will cause your face to be less healthy and look older. Beauty drugs that promise results / enlightenment in a short time can cause side effects that are not good for you, so please be careful to use a drug that beauty can make your face glow in no time. There are safer ways to make your face look radiant, bright, and feels younger. It can also make your face and your body is healthier because of these materials consist of 100% pure fruit. avocado Avocado fruit is very good because in addition to having a very high nutrient, also there are 11 vitamins and 14 minerals contained in it. Vitamins contained in avocado can make your skin smooth. The combination of vitamins A and E, can be rubbery skin, reduced wrinkles, and make your skin look younger and fresher. banana Bananas can also prevent the occurrence of wrinkles due to aging, and the

Preventing Obesity For a Better Life

If there is a question such as "the most important thing is that a priority in your life?" So what's in your mind? Surely the answer from each person will be different because we all have different life goals so that our priorities have definitely different, too. For example, for business people, it might be the most important thing that their priority is the survival of their business and how to improve their business income. But whatever your priorities, certainly all have the same tendency is more priority to the health factor is not it? It could be argued that health is the most important element that should be noted in our lives. It is based on the fact that humans are not able to perform normal activities if they have health problems. Today, the concern will be how people maintain and maximize the health conditions is general conversation that has become the latest trend. If you include people who really pay attention to the quality of health you have, I can be su

Internet Prevent Senility

Dementia , usually occurs in people who are elderly. But now, dementia is not only experienced by those who are elderly, but people are still in the teen years too many have been experiencing dementia. Internet is now a very sophisticated thing we can do whatever you are looking through the internet. Apparently, the internet also has a positive impact to our health. Internet can improve our brain function to prevent the occurrence of dementia. With you are browsing on the internet, your brain will work more actively. Because the Internet opens your brain is forced to perform more complex thinking than usual. And this is best done by people who have dementia problems either still teenagers or who are elderly. Internet has a myriad of knowledge that we may not know in advance and once the internet is also very sensitive to a variety of information. For example, if you open up about "how to cure acne?", A lot of information you can get and with different answers. I say t

How to Overcome Dry Skin

Dry skin can be very make us do not uncomfortable because of skin which dry could cause flavor itching and extremely sensitive. Causes of dry skin is very diverse ranging from weather changes, temperature, pollution, etc.. Dry skin occurs because of a lack of moisture that is in our bodies, and dry skin also occurs because our bodies hydrated. For people who tend to have dry skin, avoid using hot water to shower because the hot water will remove excess water in our bodies that can make your skin more dry. The use of a lotion containing moisturizer is highly recommended to prevent your skin becomes dry, because the content of moisturizer to keep your skin to keep it moist. Soap containing a moisturizer also allows you to prevent dry skin. Due to the use of soap containing this moisturizer all over your body retain moisture well, including an enclosed area. Avoid using soap if your skin is dry, use plain soap harsh chemicals that can cause your skin becomes drier. Drinking water 2 Lite

Natural ways for acne

Lots of us are having problems with acne, especially in the early days where you're puberty. Chemicals or drugs Asia, is actually not good for you to use because it contains chemicals that can stimulate the occurrence of skin cancer. Natural ways you can do is with a healthy lifestyle, regular eating, sleeping enough, etc.. And you are also encouraged to eat vegetables or fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. It also allow you to mask on your face. Facial acne usually contain an alkaline PH, which will cause your acne to be more because the bacteria "Propionibacterium Acne" in your face will proliferate. To eliminate acne you can do this by changing the pH became acidic. To change this, you are eating enough vegetables and fruits that contain lots of Vitamin C. Indeed it takes a long time to eliminate the rada and prevent your acne to occur again, but this way you are safer to use than you are taking drugs made ​​from chemicals. Another tip is to avoid the pollution that c

tips You Can Do to Have Beautiful Skin With a Healthier Diet

Beautiful and healthy skin is the dream of all women, possibly including you. Now a lot of people who perform maintenance on the skin specialist doctors, etc., but there is a more practical and you can only do at home. Try to remember what you ate? whether the food is good for your skin? attractive lifestyle you to eat fast food is something that can make your skin unhealthy because these foods have chemicals added and has little nutritional value. Be careful if you do a low-carbohydrate diet, because this is not healthy for you. Now a lot of people who avoid eating rice to lose weight, etc.. But this will make your body has lacked the ability to fight free radicals that cause premature aging. Drinking water which will also make you less dehydrated and spur of psoriasis and eczema. There are several ways you can do to make your skin stay healthy. Here are some tips you can do to have beautiful skin with a healthier diet: Eating Fatty Acids. Fish oil (fish oil) good for skin health b


Yohimbe is a natural herbal ingredients that are commonly used for disease yohimbe impotence and this is proven to cure impotence. But now what happens when women take Yohimbe? myth A widely circulated misconception is that yohimbe should be used for women, because it contains yohimbe testosterone directly interact with male sexual hosmon. In reality yohimbe not associated with an increase in male hormones. mechanism Yohimbe Yohimbe is an adrenaline receptors that stimulate the feeling of being happy and accompanied by the addition of energy. Because of these properties, blood flow to your penis up and produce a good erection. Yohimbe and Male Sexuality Yohimbe is now widely used by men, but women who take yohimbe also showed increased sexual desire. other uses Yohimbe can be consumed by men or women and accompanied by a doctor. Because yohimbe can also be used to treat certain psychiatric illnesses, acute and chronic fatigue, and low blood pressure (hypotension). Side Effects side e

Swallowing Semen

A lot of myths circulating that swallowing semen can cause pregnancy, is it true? The body produces about 6 billion sperm cells in one week, the sperm cell is what will cause the woman is pregnant because the sperm cell meets an egg cell that is in the woman's uterus. Sperm are not harmful to swallow sperm provided that the condition is free of viruses or bacteria. There are so many myths that swallowing sperm, can make us younger. Is it true? It may be true although there is no scientific fact, but the sperm is very high in protein and has the effect of preventing the onset of aging. Not cause pregnancy. Swallow sperm will not cause pregnancy, because you definitely swallow of the mouth that will not meet with your egg. From your mouth, the sperm will go down towards the stomach and abdomen after it is digested sperm in your body along with other foods. It has nothing that will cause you to become pregnant by swallowing sperm. Risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases

5 Tips to Increase Female Libido

Low sex drive in women more often than low sex drive in men. Lots of women lose their sex drive after marriage, and they have sex because they want to be a good wife who can serve her husband. Lots of men are selfish in intercourse, it makes you less motivated to fix the problem of decreased libido. There are so many causes of low libido you, from getting too tired of taking care of your family, excessive stress, illness who are in your body, etc.. The main thing you can do is to visit a sex therapist or doctor to consult about the problem you experienced this and that your libido problem does not continue for long time which will cause your libido does not exist at all (frigid). There are 5 tips that you can do to revive your libido is down, I take these tips from, please read and hopefully useful to you. 1. Replacement of Contraception. If you are using contraceptives, try to use other contraceptives. This is because it could be a mismatch in your hormones that can cause d

woman with a mustache?

You are a woman with a mustache? Be careful, because the woman with the mustache has a devastating effect on your fertility because it signifies the presence of an excess of male hormones. The study said that now many women who have hair or fur that is in the stomach and mouth, this indicates that there is a male hormone in women. This problem could be serious enough experienced by women, because it can interfere with her ​​uterus and can cause infertility or can not have offspring. Pattern of poor lifestyle can also increase the risk of infertility. Male hormones known as androgens can be closely associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a major cause of infertility and the risk of heart disease and diabetes terkenanya. Androgen hormones affect about 10% of women. So for women who have the symptoms above, consult with your doctor so that you can do prevention as early as possible. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, drugs, etc. which may increase the risk of

women's symptoms of depression

Women play a pivotal role in the household. Nearly 95 percent of the female role. From the start of cooking, raising children, cleaning, etc.. Because it could have affected women's symptoms of depression because it is too stressful to take care of the household. You as a woman have to recognize the symptoms of depression that occurs within yourself. women's Common Symptoms of Depression: There are some common symptoms that you are not aware of, such as feeling sad, worthless, etc.. You might just feel that this is normal, but actually it is a symptom of depression. Away from your relationships with friends, to a less enjoyable sex with their husbands are common early symptoms and depression in men and women. Symptoms of Male Depression: Symptoms of depression that occur in women usually are eating too much or just the opposite. Anger, hurt once, slept less, etc. are symptoms of depression that occurs in women. What to Do? For you are the husband who feels his wife have expe

the early signs you are actually pregnant

The process of pregnancy is when an egg cell that is in your uterus to meet sperm cells, which will cause you to become pregnant. Too many people look forward to welcoming baby especially in couples who were married a few years. You can test it by using testpack, but you also can feel the early symptoms that you experience on a different body. What are the early signs you are actually pregnant? 1. Shorter of breath. If you're pregnant, you will feel out of breath when walking. This is because the fetus in your womb is growing and it requires sufficient oxygen content, so the supply of oxygen in your body is divided into two, you and your fetus. 2. Bigger breasts (swelling). If you feel the difference in your breasts, this could be a sign you're pregnant. Breasts enlarge and become tender, and the color of your nipples to darken an early sign of pregnancy. 3. Fatigue. You feel tired because there are hormones in your body increases. This fatigue usually appear on the trimester

Tight Jeans Pants Vagina Trigger Fungus

Lots of women who use tight jeans, this is because women want to look sexy with her appearance. But this has a risk that could be considered "serious", because usually the women who often wear tight jeans will lead to the emergence of fungi in the vaginal area. Jeans are trousers made ​​from thick, and is also a pair that has the characteristics fit the wearer's body. The problem is, these jeans create a sense of heat for being too strict and can make your vagina moist which will lead to mold growth in your vaginal area. The vagina should have enough air circulation to dry the vagina is always moist so it does not and will not cause mold. In addition to the above mold problem, there's more other problems resulting from using a pair of jeans ... Irritation and infection can occur in the area of ​​your vagina which will cause itching and heat. Moreover, if the infection to occur, will usually cause infertility (difficulty conceiving). There are several solutions you c

You Nausea While Pregnant?

You Nausea While Pregnant ? Nausea and vomiting may be up to , is a sign of early pregnancy symptoms . Not all of this, but 90 percent of women experience it . Nausea to vomiting occurs usually in the first 3 months of gestation women, these feelings are normal . But with these uncomfortable feelings can interfere with your daily activities . Some of these ways you can do to reduce nausea and vomiting that occurs to you that are pregnant :      The Balanced nutrition intake . We recommend that you consume carbohydrates and proteins that have high levels . Do not forget also to the consumption of fruits and vegetables , you should eat little but often do . This can prevent you from lack of blood sugar present in your body .      Minimize movement of your body . Do not be too hasty every activity you do especially when you wake up in the morning . Slow movement of your body , this will reduce f

Physical factors of impotence.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to maintain an erection long enough time to complete intercourse. So there is a problem and this problem can result in very serious (divorce). Impotence occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive stress, and so forth. Impotence is now not only occurs in older men, but impotence can occur when young or adolescent. Impotence is common in early old age so that impotence is often attributed as the aging process, but see many teenagers today who have unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc., so many young men / teenagers who have experienced impotence problems. Many factors can cause impotence, but most of impotence due to physical factors, psychological factors, and lifestyle factors. I will explain about the impotence that occurs due to physical factors. Physical factors of impotence. In earlier times, the doctors agreed that impotence due to psychological problems, but now is not due to physical fa

Ways to Increase Your Libido

Lots of ways to increase libido, including the use of chemical drugs such as Viagra, etc.. But you know that drugs are harmful chemicals for your consumption? there are many ways to increase your libido either by changing your lifestyle to be healthier. Here I will describe some ways you can do to increase the libido in a safe manner. Please read the ... 1. Stop Alcohol Consumption. Alcohol is bad for your libido. Because depressant alcohol contains substances that will cause you stress, depression, mood to the reduction in inter-partner. Lots of rumors circulating that the consumption of alcohol, will increase your libido and make you more relaxed to have sex. 2. Reduce consumption of caffeine. Caffeine is proven to increase energy and relieve drowsiness, but this is only temporary. Adverse effects that occur if you consume caffeine is a decrease in cortisol levels. if your cortisol levels decreased, you will also experience decreased sexual desire / libido you. 3. Enough sleep. Famil

Tips to Make Your Penis Healthy

Health of the penis is a very important thing for a man, but is also much underrated. With those who feel healthy, penis no ulcers, itching, etc. could be the reason the recording reveals that the penis healthy. Though it's not just the health of the penis, how to get erection penis hard and durable, avoid premature ejaculation, etc. included into the penis health. There are so many ways that can be taken by men to be always healthy penis, and it can do in your daily life without wasting your time. Please read ..... Diet Diet is the most important thing you do to make your penis healthy. Why do you need to diet? diet can prevent you from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.. And also with you on a diet your endurance will increase, a high sex drive, increased energy, and organ of your body more healthy. Diet also can make your blood flow more smoothly include into your penis area. If the blood flow to your penis is fine, you'll easily get an erection. Vitamin Vitamins are goo

Beware of Doing Anal Sex

Relationship through the anus (anal sex), is a sexual activity you can do with your spouse. But if one party (men / women) do not want to have sex through the anus, you should not do because it would be detrimental to either party. Anal sex relationships should be conducted with the use of lubricant, because the anus does not have any reaction is different from that experienced vaginal sexual response if the woman aroused, the vagina will excrete lubricants. Anal sex relationships who do not use a lubricant, will cause the anus and your penis have blisters. Women who suffer from the disease around the anus (hemorrhoids), do not do anal sex as this will cause your hemorrhoids to be more severe due to rub the penis that occurs. If you are talking about this issue and discussion is fine, I'm sure your husband will understand if you have a problem around your anus.

6 Supplements Prevent Impotence

Impotence can occur at any age. Impotence can you prevent and treat you with the consumption of some supplements. This supplement not only to impotence alone, but for the health of other organs as well. Below are some supplements that you can use to prevent the occurrence of impotence: Multivitamins. Impotence can be prevented by taking a multivitamin. Very good multivitamin to your daily consumption. Multivitamins are created to prevent impotence is a multivitamin that contains iron. Creatine. Creatine is a supplement to a like exercise. Creatine can accelerate muscle recovery and muscle growth. Green Tea. Green tea can burn fat in your body. Fat is not good for your body because it can cause impotence. Fat contained in the body can narrow your blood flow, including to the penis. Saw Palmetto. Other impotence supplement saw palmetto. Saw palmetto is believed to cure impotence and increase fitness. Fish oil. Fish oil is good for your consumption. It can cure impotence and heart attacks

The Importance of Controlling Your Cholesterol

There are many ways of how to control cholesterol effectively. The food we eat has a lot to do with it. High cholesterol causes health hazards which include fatal heart attack and lead to arterial rupture, and the dangers of obesity. Bad cholesterol is not soluble in water, and the body fails to burn and then accumulated and turned into fat lipids. This is the line of arterial lipid, and if excessive blood flow resulting pile then becomes narrower. Narrow slowing blood flow and blood circulation to impose additional work for the heart. This condition will eventually lead to heart disease. Pounds of excess distort the natural shape and beauty of the body. One common lament of fat people is the inability to find clothes that fit, or the inability to wear fashionable clothes. Overweight people also find it difficult to perform strenuous activity. Staying fit is easy. It is only necessary focus and determination to achieve goals. Also, there are various ways on how to control cholesterol n

Method of Blood Circulation Streamlining Work For Optimal Heart

All you need to know that the heart be optimal it is necessary to smooth blood circulation. Blood circulation is very important for the continuity of the existing processes in the body. About 90 liters of oxygen-rich blood pumped by the heart each day and applied to the entire body through the blood vessels. The task of the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. Oxygen carried by blood flow to supply fuel to members of the body to function optimally. Please note that the job is very important, so keeping the smooth circulation of blood is an obligation. Cardiac work can be optimal in the presence of blood circulating smoothly. By the time you do not indulge or relax and rest, it does not mean the heart stops or take leisure activities. The heart will continue to work, to beat about 70 times per minute and about 5 liters of blood pumped around the body. For this process to be maintained, then the stability of oxygen is needed by the heart. The heart will beat twice as fast when y

Three Mineral Prevent Hypertension

Hypertension is easily detected, only the blood pressure measuring devices. A person classified as hypertensive if their blood pressure read more than 140/90. The first number is known as the systolic and the lower number is called diastolic. When you fall in blood pressure between 120/80 to 140/90, you are in pre-hypertension. Although the statistics revealed that billions of people around the world this disease, the problem can be controlled through a healthy lifestyle. There are ways to prevent pre-hypertension progress to hypertension. In the case of pre-hypertension, there are natural ways to control your blood pressure rise. Eating foods with three essential minerals can help lower blood pressure levels. These types of minerals are potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium Research has revealed that potassium will make the blood vessels are less sensitive to contraction. With blood vessels relax, blood flow pressure will tend to fall. These minerals can be found in foods such

Supplements and Diet to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is engaged in the bloodstream in particles called lipoproteins. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), low density lipoprotein (LDL) can cause a buildup of fatty plaque in arteries, causing blockages slowly causes the blood flow resistance and the heart has to work extra to pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol can cause strain on the heart, greatly increases your chances of developing life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, the knowledge about cholesterol has been growing rapidly so there are various medications and lifestyle adjustments to help reduce the risk of heart disease by managing cholesterol levels. In particular, the doctor can help design an effective strategy for lowering cholesterol levels sesua with your condition, but here are five methods that have proven to be considered as an effective method of lowering cholesterol. jahatSelalu cholesterol monitor cholesterol levels Monit

2 Exercise Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability of men to maintain an erection. Which increases the older age will usually experience this problem, although not infrequently also adolescents who experience it. There are so many causes that lead to erectile dysfunction, of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, until the stress. Cause that's what usually causes the men experience erectile dysfunction. There are several exercises that can restore normal erectile function. Exercise Cardiovascular (Heart). Men with aging, highly vulnerable to diseases related to heart. Your heart is like life. When your heart stops, then you will die. A bit of exercise you do in the morning like running, cycling, and others will make your heart healthier. It also will get the heart working properly pump blood to be normal. If your blood flow was normal, then your erection will function normally. Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are very good for curing erectile dysfunction. The way you hold your urine

Cure Impotence Drugs

Impotence does not only occur in old age, they are still too many young people who experience it. There are so many drugs that can cure impotence in a short time, but this is not good for your body because the chemicals contained in the drug. Below I will provide a safe drug for the health of your body, because it is a natural remedy to cure impotence: Panax Ginseng. Panax ginseng has been used for thousands of years in China to cure impotence. Another name for ginseng is Panax Ginseng Korean Red. Panax ginseng is shown to be effective for treating impotence, is the result of research in Korea. Epimedium - Horny Goat Weed. Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed is a natural treatment for those who suffer from impotence. Horny Goat Weed is a afrosidiak substance that acts to relax your muscles and improve your erectile function so that it can work well. Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo biloba is believed to cure impotence, because this is the oldest plants in rural China. Ginkgo biloba is effective for t

6 Symptoms of Mental Disorders That May Not Ignored

Although there are many kinds of mental problems but that is often encountered everyday include stress, depression and anxiety. Without realizing it we might have mental problems even in the mild stage. There are some symptoms of mental disorders you should know because if this issue is left to a protracted and will bring bad impact for mental health. As reported by the compass, here are six mental symptoms that should not be ignored 1. Sleepy on and too much sleep Sleep soundly at night is very important for the health of body and soul. When someone is sleeping too much it will have negative impacts on the lives of depression and other medical problems. Ideally adults sleep for eight hours every day, but if after you sleep eight hours a night but do not like to have slept immediately consult your family doctor. 2. Lack of sleep Too much sleep or sleep deprivation are both a symptom of mental problems. People who have symptoms of insomnia such as difficulty starting to sleep, often

4 Ways to Increase Sperm Count

Sperm is a fluid expelled from the penis during ejaculation takes place. This fluid is white, thick, and if you look at agile movements of the microscope. If semen is issued in the womb of a woman, most likely she would get pregnant if the woman is in her fertile period. Lots of men who want to increase the amount of semen during ejaculation. Because men think with the amount of semen that means a lot easier to make their partner pregnant so as to have a child. way of living and simple method at the below this will make the fluid sperm you are more a lot at the time of ejaculation.     1. Reduce the amount of ejaculation. Ejakulasi that is too often can cause the liquid to sperm you is reduced. Because increasingly longer you ejaculation , then the fluid the sperm you are increasingly incremented and fertile. This is what will make your woman pregnant. Fertile sperm is stored sperm in the testes after 3 days.      2. Supplements. Supplements that contain amino acids will help to incr

Tips To Improve Your Immune System

You need a strong immune system to keep fit and healthy. Healthy people are blessed with a strong immune system in the body. If your immune system is weak, you will tend to fall sick often. You can increase your immunity by adapting a healthy lifestyle that consists of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Below are some tips to boost your immunity. A balanced diet Diet should consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products. This material is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help build a strong immune system. Raw foods, natural and healthy, providing the necessary anti-oxidants to boost immunity. Green leafy vegetables help increase alkaline pH in the body and provide essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium for your body. Fitness To stay fit and healthy, you should follow the sport to the health and lifestyle. Avoid stress Stress leads to accumulation of toxins in the body, reduce mental capabilities and affect digestion as we

Impotence not only occur in old age

Now impotence not only occur in old age, but the young man was experiencing. Impotence is the inability of a man to maintain erection at a reasonable time. The young man who feels that he suffered from impotence will usually be very scared and very stressed, because they think that he is of no use anymore, they feel low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and others. They feel very embarrassed to tell the problem to the doctor, so that the impotence continues for many years to cause more severe. Impotence treatment provided by a physician is usually not a drug that has a strong effect. Some doctors choose herbal medicine to be administered to these patients because herbal medicines are safer for health. Unfavorable lifestyle should be immediately stopped. As this will impact on male sexual health. Unhealthy foods, smoking, alcohol, and others will inhibit blood flow to the penis causing the penis hard to get an erection. Young men who suffer from impotence will usually disappear when th

What to Do To Body Fit - Fit All Day

Build a healthy and fit body is not something learned in one day but it takes discipline and commitment in the long run. At first it might seem a little heavy but after a while attempts to get fit or fitter body will become a pleasant habit. The following are the things that need to be done so that the body be fit: Enough to drink most of our body consists of water. Well hydrated body will accelerate metabolism and energy optimization. Do not let you feel thirsty and water is the best choice. Reduce drinks that contain lots of calories or sugar because it can promote weight loss. Nutritionally balanced would bother counting the number of calories per meal and the fact that each person may have different caloric needs vary. If you are too skinny should increase the amount of calories, while if too fat you should reduce your intake of calories and fat. But in general, the ratio of protein, fat required approximately 15% of calories, 25% fat and 60% carbohydrate. In addition

8 benefits of doing an intimate relationship

Intimate relationship after marriage is a good thing, but still a lot of husband and wife who do not know what the profit to the intimate relationship. Benefits intimate relationship experts and scholars of the World is possible to build a good energy / positive for both couples and to enhance the immune system (immune). Here I will explain the 8 benefits of doing an intimate relationship: 1. Able to Reduce Stress. The researchers in Scotland showed that the intimate relationship that is done regularly (2 days once), can lower your blood pressure and reduce the stress of the job or the other problem is in your mind. 2. Calorie burning. Would burn about 110 calories when you do an intimate relationship. This can make your body healthy because of bad fat in your body gradually decrease, and this is a diet that you can take. 3. Up the Immune System. Immunoglobulin A, or are often called the "IgA" will increase if you regularly make intimate relationships. This IgA function is

Cigarette Cause Impotence?

Anyone ever heard of that Cigarette Cause Impotence? before we discuss more deeply, we talked first about the general impotence .... Lots of men are very afraid of suffering from impotence. Men suffering from impotence can not have intercourse with your partner well because the penis does not function normally. Impotence is usually characterized by early-stage relationship that occurs very briefly (3-5 minutes), and end-stage he could not get an erection at all. Impotence in men with end-stage can not erect and worse still it is very difficult to get a stimulus from the opposite sex. If this is allowed to occur, could cause men to depression, frustration, until there are up to suicide. Impotence can be caused by various factors, ranging from diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, etc. can cause impotence. But this time we will discuss the impotence caused by smoking. Some men felt that smoking is a lifestyle or life style, but this will cause major problems on your penis. started fro

Food repellent Itchy

Food repellent Itchy Common Health Itching in the skin from insect bites , allergies , medications , etc. , can be removed with different try this natural way : - Bath milk . Mix oatmeal in milk evaporation ( milk that has reduced levels of airnya_ and use for bathing . Oatmeal (1-2 small bowls ) can also be mixed with warm water in a bathtub . Milk works well enough to repel the itching in the skin and make skin more subtle .   - Baking soda ( about 1 small bowl ) can also be mixed into a tub of warm water to reduce the itching due to irritation , insect bites , bee stings , and others . Soak about 30-60 minutes . For a little wound in the skin , mix three parts baking soda with one part water , then apply this paste to the area to itch . However , do not do this if the skin is injured .   - Apply lemon juice to the itching part of the body , allow it to dry . Oran