
Showing posts from 2012

Prostate Cancer

DEFINITION This cancer occurs in the prostate (like a walnut-shaped gland that produces seminal fluid which maintains and delivers sperm). Growth is usually slow going, but there are some types of prostate cancer grow aggressively and spread quickly. This is one of many types of cancer that occurs in men. Symptoms and characteristics In the early stages, prostate cancer does not have the characteristics and symptoms. However, at a later stage, features characteristic and symptoms start to appear and look, like the following Blood on semen Swelling in the legs Discomfort in the pelvic area Bone pain Problematic when urinating The reduced quantity of urine Urine containing blood Causes & Risk Factors In addition to the symptoms and characteristics, it is better if we also know the causes of prostate cancer, for early eschew , let us see what caused it. Cause Actually, it is not clear what makes prostate cancer grow and thrive in the human body. Many scientists believe that ca

Diabetes abstinence?

Abstinence diabetes is one of the important part that must be endured by the patient in order to remain able to live normal, healthy even though it requires sacrifice and is very exceptional eagerness. In essence, such a prohibition is in force for diabetics blood sugar levels do not rise. The pattern of food and drink that is believed to minimize the rise in blood sugar so the sugar levels in the body can be kept under control. Although it is difficult to do but if the person is disciplined in avoiding foods that become taboo for diabetics, then bad things can be avoided and prevented. So, what are the foods and beverages should be avoided by people with diabetes? Foods that Have High Glycemic Index There are some foods that contain high glycemic index should be avoided by a problem with diabetes. That is, if a person with diabetes to consume foods that contain high glycemic index so blood sugar levels can rise dramatically. To avoid these symptoms diabetics are advised to stop cons

All About Heart Blockage

DEFINITION Blockage of the heart is a delay in the conduction of electrical current through the rod when atrioventicular, the files on His, or both branches of the files, all located between the atria and ventricles.     Some types of heart congestion caused no symptoms, but others cause fatigue, dizziness and fainting.     Elektrodiografi used to detect clogged heart. Some people need an artificial pacemaker. Clogged heart-classified as first degree when electrical conduction to the ventricles is slightly delayed, level-two when conduction is blocked temporarily, or level-three (full) when conduction is blocked completely. Most types of heart blockage is more common in older people. In the first-degree heart blockage, each electrical impulse from the atria reach the ventricles, but each one slows down for the second fragment as it moves through atrioventricular trunk. First-degree heart blockage is common in well-trained athletes, teenagers, young adults, and people with a high acti

All About Heart Attack Part 2

Diagnosis If a man over 35 or a woman over 50 complaining of chest pain, usually considered the possibility of a heart attack. Diagnosis of heart attacks could be strengthened by performing the following checks:     ECG     When a suspected heart attack, the ECG is the initial diagnostic examination of the most important. Some abnormalities can be seen on the EKG, depending on the size and location of heart damage.     Blood tests     Blood tests done to determine the levels of certain enzymes. CK-MB enzyme normally found in heart muscle and released into the blood when heart damage occurs. Elevated levels of this enzyme would appear within 6 hours after a heart attack and persist for 36-48 hours. Enzyme levels are usually checked at the time of patient admission and every 6-8 hours during the next 24 hours.     Echocardiogram     Echocardiogram will describe the reduced movement of a portion of the wall of the left ventricle (heart chamber that pumps blood throughout the body), whi

All About Heart Attack Part 1

DEFINITION Heart attack (myocardial infarction), (myocardial infarct), (myocardial infarction), is a situation where all of a sudden happen restriction or termination of blood flow to the heart, which causes the heart muscle (myocardium) to die from lack of oxygen. CAUSE A heart attack usually occurs when a blockage in a coronary artery results in limited or cut off blood flow to a part of the heart. If you cut off or reduced blood flow lasts more than a few minutes, the heart tissue will die. Pumping ability of the heart after a heart attack is directly related to the extent and location of tissue damage (infarct). If more than half of the damaged heart tissue, the heart can not function normally and the possibility of death. Even though the damage was not extensive, the heart can not pump properly, resulting in heart failure or shock. Damaged heart can be enlarged, and partly an attempt to compensate for the ability of the heart that pumps it down (because of the larger heart will

All About Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome

DEFINITION Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome is an abnormal heart rhythm in which the electrical impulses that dikonduksi along the path from the atria to the ventricles causing the incidence of heart the average speed is high. Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome is excessive involvement of the extra pathway (accessory). These extra lines present at birth but appear to regulate impulses to the heart only occasionally. This can occur in infants aged one year or no later than 60 years. SYMPTOMS Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome can cause sudden occurrence of a high heart rate with palpitations. In the first year of life, a baby may have heart failure if time extended. They sometimes seem like a difficult breathing or lethargic, stop eating or chest pulse rapid and visible. The first attack can occur in teens or early twenties. Typical attack begins abruptly often during exercise. It happened just a few seconds or last up to several hours to 12 hours are rare. In patients with a physically fit young or

Heart & Diabetes can be prevented by Tea

Is this the day you are drinking tea?. Very lucky for you who like to drink tea every day. Because the tea is very beneficial to help women free of diabetes and heart attacks. As reported Dailymail, Monday (2/20/2012), the research suggests that drinking tea regularly with or without milk may reduce the risk of heart problems by cutting levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Many experts say that the content of flavonoids - antioxidant ingredients found in tea is beneficial to fight heart disease. Flavonoid content in one cup of tea is 150-200 mg and is the best source of antioxidants in foods. To protect from heart disease can take three or more cups of black tea per day. Meanwhile, to protect against type 2 diabetes can drink two cups or more per day. Carrie Ruxton, a writer and member of the Nutrition Bulletin Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) said that the "Tea can be a community favorite drinks without us knowing." In the presence of flavonoid antioxidants, so that black te

Signs and Symptoms Malnutrition

Malnutrition can affect your health both physically and mentally. The more severe conditions suffered malnutrition (the more nutrients are lacking) would increase the risk of physical health problems. In the severe malnutrition such as marasmus cases can occur (weak muscles) due to protein and energy deficiency, cretinism and brain damage due to iodine deficiency, blindness and the risk of infectious disease-induced increase defisensi vitamin A, it is difficult to concentrate due to iron deficiency. Signs and symptoms of malnutrition depend on the type of nutritional deficiency. Although Thus, of common symptoms from nutrition bad is a:     Fatigue and lack of energy     Dizziness     The immune system is low (resulting in difficulty of the body to fight infection)     Dry and scaly skin     Swollen and bleeding gums     Rotting teeth     It's hard to concentrate and have a slow reaction     Less weight     Slow growth     Weakness in muscles     Flatulence    

Causes of Malnutrition

People will suffer from malnutrition if not able to benefit from the foods they eat, for example in patients with diarrhea, excessive nutrients, or due to an unbalanced diet that is not getting enough calories and protein for body growth. Some people may suffer from malnutrition because of an illness or condition that causes the body is unable to digest or absorb food properly. For example in celiac disease patients with disorders of the digestive tract that is triggered by a protein that is abundant in wheat gluten. Celiac disease affects the body's ability to absorb nutrients resulting in deficiency. Then there is also a disease that affects the pancreas cystic fibrosis, whose function is to produce the enzymes needed to digest food. Similarly, people with lactose intolerance is difficult to digest milk and other dairy products. Here are some factors that can lead to malnutrition:     Diet is not balanced nutritional content     There are problems in the digestive system     The

Differences Malnutrition and Hunger

Poor nutrition or malnutrition can be interpreted as poor nutritional intake. This can be caused by inadequate intake of food, the selection of foods that are not appropriate or due to other reasons such as the presence of an infectious disease that causes less absorption of nutrients from food. Is clinically characterized by poor nutrition intake of protein, energy and micronutrients such as vitamins that are insufficient or excess that leads to health problems. Differences Malnutrition and Hunger malnutrition Malnutrition is different from hunger. People who suffer from hunger is usually due to not getting enough food and hunger suffered in the long term can lead to the malnutrition. However, people who eat a lot without realizing it can also suffer from malnutrition when they do not eat foods that contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals are sufficient. So poor nutrition can actually be experienced by anyone, without knowing the structure of social and economic factors People w

Sport for People with Diabetes

 Diabetes is a disease that had complications (other disease causing) the most. This is related to high blood sugar levels continuously may cause damage to blood vessels, nerves and other organs. counter Diabetics can experience a variety of long-term complications if diabetes is not managed properly. Complications are more common and deadly is a heart attack and stroke. Besides other complications that may occur is damage to blood vessels in the retina of the eye (diabetic retinopathy) that can cause vision problems, abnormalities in kidney function that can cause kidney failure, so the patient must undergo dialysis (hemodialysis) and nerve damage that causes skin more frequently injured. Additionally injury / infection in patients with diabetes usually slow recovery because of high levels of sugar in the blood causing bacteria can thrive, resulting in some cases amputation is sometimes becoming one of the options to stop the spread of infection. Importance of Exercise for

Fat burning foods

Effective method to speed up metabolism metabolism, burning calories the body, is to lose weight or build more muscle. However, you can also do this by regularly eating food intake following: Cereal and whole oat Complex carbohydrates and fiber increases your metabolism by keeping insulin levels remain low after we eat. This can be useful for the production of insulin will send a signal to the body to store fat. And when the body stores fat reserves, so a slower metabolism so you burn fewer calories. Calcium Milk Although it contains fat, but milk will trigger sebenarnyaKalsium in metabolism. The research team from the University of Tennessee found that dieters who consumed 1,200 mg of calcium every day, lost weight more than those who consume less calcium source. Green tea and coffee Green tea and coffee contain caffeine which can speed up heart rate (heart rate). The faster our heart rate, the more calories you burn. In addition, green tea also contains a chemical compound

Type of Acne Scar

Acne is very disturbing because it is usually very difficult to remove pimples, acne can even disturb us 2 times. The first acne annoying because it makes the skin look perfect, then the second one though acne is curable but can leave scars that will look for life, a sort of reminder of its presence. Here are some types of acne scars that usually happens: type wounds acne      Types of injuries Icepick      These types of injuries are usually narrow and deep skin prick like it had been punctured by ice. This type of wound size <2 mm with a depth of cuts reaches the dermis or subcutaneous layer. This type of injury is usually too deep to be handled through the process of dermabrasion or laser resurfacing.      Types of injuries Boxcar      This type of injury usually have wound round the base or the surface of the oval with a sharp angle. Unlike other types of injuries Icepick, Boxcar type of injury usually is not tapered at the bottom. Shallow scars with depths between 0.

Former Acne Treatment Injury

There are several procedures that can be used to improve acne scars, and each procedure has its advantages and risks of each. Sometimes also some procedures are combined to obtain maximum results. Here are some procedures that can be used for the treatment of acne scars:     Laser resurfacing     This procedure is usually performed by a dermatologist / dermatologist by removing the top layer of damaged skin and tightens the middle layer of skin so that skin can be smooth. To relieve pain, a doctor will first give a local anesthetic. Skin usually takes 3-10 days to recover.     Dermabrasion     Another way is to use a fine wire brush or diamond tools used for mengkikis the skin surface. At the time of the skin to recover, then a layer of smoother skin layer will replace the eroded earlier. It takes much longer for skin to recover from this procedure, usually between 10 days to 3 weeks.     Laser therapy     The procedure uses fractional laser therapy works the deeper layer

Revised General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition

In the United States, the general guidelines for balanced nutrition (Pugs) is defined as 13 basic messages that can be used as guidelines for each resident to obtain a healthy diet and balanced. 13 foundation of balanced nutrition messages are: 1. Eat a variety of food, the food sources of energy substances (carbohydrates), builder substances (proteins), as well as regulating substances (vitamins and minerals). 2. Eat food to meet energy needs. These needs can be met from three main sources, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 3. Eat a carbohydrate source, half of its energy needs. Sugar consumption should be limited to 5% of the amount of energy sufficiency, or about 3-4 tablespoons per day. Should be approximately 50-60% of energy derived from complex carbohydrates or equivalent with 3-4 rice dishes. 4. Limit consumption of fats and oils to a quarter of energy sufficiency. Animal fats consumed in excess can cause narrowing of the arteries and coronary heart disease.    5

Scale Hair Loss in women

There are two assessment scales hair loss in women, namely the scale of Ludwig & Savin scale. In terms of intensity and purpose of both is identical, except for the Savin scale also assessed throughout the thinning of the hair. As shown in the figure below, the picture shows the scale rambur 1-8 loss ranging from mild to severe. The picture to the 8 & 9 including very rare.

Food pyramid

For in the United States, Department of Agriculture in 2005 they have been revised to replace the food pyramid was introduced since 1992. The new food pyramid called "MyPyramid" emphasizes the selection of foods that fit the needs of their activities. In addition to the food pyramid image is also included to complete the picture of physical activity undertaken food intake. Physical activity may include all activities of the movement of the body that uses energy. Walking, gardening, climbing stairs, playing soccer or dance, is one example of physical activity. To get the health benefits of physical activity, then these activities should be carried out for 30 minutes a day. But physical activity does not increase the heart rate is not included in physical activity is as above, such as moving a regular or street while shopping.

Hair Loss In Women

At initially we probably not realize hair loss that experienced by, could started from a few strands of hair who left behind in comb or floor bathroom of up to finally skin of head which can visible with clearly. Baldness is often described as excessive hair loss in head and can be caused by many things such as heredity, certain side effects of treatment or because of health problems. Although baldness is more commonly found in men, women also have these problems, especially hair loss. It is usually more concerned about the women because hair always identified with the crown in women. Type of Hair Loss in Women Unlike men, hair loss in women typically begins before the age of 50 years and not related to hereditary factors or patterns. Usually the women also experience hair loss are not aware of whether it is permanent or temporary, because there are few events that can cause hair loss such as pregnancy or suffering from certain diseases. Here are the types of hair loss in women: 1. A

Treatment of hair loss in women

Either that baldness is permanent or temporary can not be cured, but for hair loss treatments can be done to assist the process of hair growth. For some types of hair loss, hair may grow back normally without treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment performed for the treatment of hair loss depends on the cause of hair loss, hair loss and scale of each individual response to treatment is done. Usually the larger the scale of hair loss is also a less effective treatment. Commonly used for treatment of hair loss treatments are:     Minoxidil     Inventory was that contains minoxidil can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription, usually are used to treatment of androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. This preparation is usually a liquid that is applied to the scalp two times a day to help keep the hair growth and hair loss does not occur. Preparations available usually consisting of a concentration of 2% and 5%.     The new hair that grows from treatment with minoxidil a

Depression In Teens

 A teenager who looks happy is commonplace. However, be aware if unhappiness has continued until more than two weeks. There are many reasons why a teen feels unhappy. Stressful environment can lead to depression. With the depression, feelings of guilt may arise, the decline in school performance, social interaction, deviations of sexual orientation, and disruption of family life in adolescents. Depression is a serious disorder that can affect thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and general health. Depression knows no age. Old, young, adults, even teenagers can get depressed. Triggered by a trivial problem, it could be teenagers who are depressed do things that are not commonly imagined. The most dangerous of depression is the emergence of suicidal ideation or suicide attempts. Definition of Depression Depression is a mental disorder that is characterized by specific feelings of sadness, despair, discouragement, guilt, slow in thinking, and decreased motivation to perform the activity. Sym

Risk factors There Before Pregnancy part 4

Pregnant women who have gallstones are closely monitored. If gallstones block the gall bladder or cause an infection, surgery may be needed. This operation is usually safe for the woman and fetus.     Asthma: in about half of women who had asthma and pregnancy, the frequency or severity of asthma attacks did not change during pregnancy. About a quarter of women improve during pregnancy, and about a quarter to be worse. If a pregnant woman with severe asthma treated with prednisone, the risk that the fetus does not develop as expected or born prematurely will be increased.     Because asthma can change throughout the pregnancy, the doctor may ask a woman with asthma to use a peak flow meter to monitor their breathing more often. Pregnant women with asthma should visit the doctor regularly so that treatment can be adjusted as needed. With good control of asthma is essential. The treatment is not sufficient to cause serious problems. Cromolyn, bronchodilators (such as albuterol), and co

Risk factors There Before Pregnancy part 3

High blood pressure: women who have high blood pressure (chronic hypertension) before pregnancy are more likely to experience a potentially serious problem during pregnancy. These problems include preeclampsia (a type of high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy), high blood pressure worse, the fetus is not growing as much as expected, the premature removal of the placenta from the uterus (placental abruption), and death at birth.     For most women with mild blood pressure (140/90 to 150/100 mm per mercury (mm Hg)), treatment with antihypertensive drugs is not recommended. Some medications do not seem to reduce the risk of preeclampsia, premature release of the placenta, or death at birth or to improve fetal growth. Even so, some women are treated to prevent pregnancy because epidode higher blood pressure (requiring hospitalization).     For women the blood pressure higher than 150/100 mm Hg, treatment with antihypertensive drugs is recommended. Treatment can reduce the r

Risk factors There Before Pregnancy part 2

The Present Before Pregnancy disorders. Before becoming pregnant, women may experience disturbances that increase the risk of problems during pregnancy. Women should talk with your doctor and try to get the best possible physical condition before becoming pregnant. Once they become pregnant, they may require special care, often derived from the interdisciplinary team. The team may include a gynecologist (which can also be a specialist in disorders), disorders specialist, and other health practitioners (such as a nutritionist).     Heart disease: most women who suffer from heart disease including heart valve disorders (such as mitral valve prolapse) and some birth defects in heart-healthy can bear children safely, without any permanent illness that results in cardiac function or lifespan. Even so, women who have heart failure before pregnancy are at greater risk on the issue.     Pregnancy requires heart work harder. Consequently, pregnancy may worsen heart disease or lead to he

Risk factors There Before Pregnancy part 1

Some risk factors present before women become pregnant. These risk factors include physical and social character specified in women, a problem that occurred in previous pregnancies, and specific disorders that have been held. Physical Character Age, weight, and height in women during pregnancy affects the risk. Girls aged 15 and younger are at high risk of preeclampsia (a type of blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy). Young women are also at higher risk of underweight (too small for the age of pregnancy) or malnourished infants. Women aged 35 and older at high risk for problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes during pregnancy (diabetes that occurs during pregnancy), and complications during childbirth. Women who weigh less than 100 pounds before becoming pregnant are more likely to have a small baby, weighing less. Obese women were more likely to have a very large baby, which may be difficult to be born. Also, obese women were more likely to have gestational diabetes and

Risk Factors Emerging During Pregnancy

Risk Factors Emerging During Pregnancy DEFINITION During pregnancy, a problem may occur or a condition can be established to make high-risk pregnancies. For example, pregnant women can be exposed to something that could result in birth defects (teratogens), such as radiation, certain chemicals, drugs, or infection. Or a disruption could occur. Some disorders are related to (are complications of) pregnancy Drugs Some medicines used during pregnancy causes birth defects. For example, alcohol, isotretinoin (used to treat acute acne), some antikonsulvan, lithium, some antibiotics (such as streptomycin, kanamycin, and tetracycline), thalidomide, warfarin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) (used during the late second trismester). Using drugs that inhibit the action of folic acid (such as methotrexate immunosuppressant or antibiotic trimethoprim) can also cause birth defects (folic acid deficiency increases the risk of having deformed babies from birth). Using cocaine can

Factors Consider When You Buy Medication Slimming

If you plan on buying slimming drugs online you not only save time and energy but you also gain access to important information about the products you want to buy it. When you buy slimming pills online via the Internet an important factor that every customer should check the company or product websites are the details about the side effects of the drug, the costs associated with purchasing such as medical consultation and if they offer a consultation with a physician. In addition you should also know whether their online transactions are safe and protect your personal data. It is also important to know whether the company uses licensed pharmacy for your order, if they implement the next business day delivery and more importantly, if you can do online tracking for your order. Before you buy diet pills online, do some research first to find out which product is best for your body and your budget accordingly. You can also consult a doctor for assessment. When you make a purchase (such a