Acupuncture Weight Loss

Acupuncture is the quintessence of China, the research by experts of acupuncture in Chinese medicine, auricular acupuncture and body acupuncture with a combination of methods, can be symptomatic treatment of obesity, not only the safety, effectual and do not have anorexia, diarrhea, physical decline and other side effects.
Acupuncture adjusts endocrine function, suppress obesity appetite, decreased food intake and inhibit fat digestion and absorption by the gastrointestinal function to control the body's absorption of nutrients, with the control diet, thereby reducing the body's energy intake and storage; the other hand, acupuncture can promote energy metabolism, increase energy consumption, and promote fat mobilization and fat breakdown, and ultimately weight loss.
Acupuncture through stimulating acupoints, adjust the meridians, to strengthen the spleen and kidney function, support healthy, but also through the role of the meridian to clear stagnation in the body get rid of the evil, not only to achieve diet, but also to achieve the purpose for eliminating localized fat diet.
Does acupuncture weight loss really work? I have to say: "The affect of acupuncture weight loss is very good". I tried acupuncture in a acupuncture clinics, after about 20 times, I lost 15KG, from 78KG down to 63KG thin, though not reduced to the ideal of so many, but the effect is really good. In that month for losing weight, I met a lot of weight loss acupuncture friends, They all have good effect. In fact, large individual differences, acupuncture weight loss maybe effective to you, the best way is to experience it.


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