Revised General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition

In the United States, the general guidelines for balanced nutrition (Pugs) is defined as 13 basic messages that can be used as guidelines for each resident to obtain a healthy diet and balanced. 13 foundation of balanced nutrition messages are:
1. Eat a variety of food, the food sources of energy substances (carbohydrates), builder substances (proteins), as well as regulating substances (vitamins and minerals).
2. Eat food to meet energy needs. These needs can be met from three main sources, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
3. Eat a carbohydrate source, half of its energy needs. Sugar consumption should be limited to 5% of the amount of energy sufficiency, or about 3-4 tablespoons per day. Should be approximately 50-60% of energy derived from complex carbohydrates or equivalent with 3-4 rice dishes.
4. Limit consumption of fats and oils to a quarter of energy sufficiency. Animal fats consumed in excess can cause narrowing of the arteries and coronary heart disease.
5. Use of iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders (GAKI). GAKI can inhibit the development of the child's intelligence level, mumps, and cretins (dwarf). Salt is not recommended to consume more than 6 grams (1 teaspoon) per day.
6. Eat the food sources of iron to prevent anemia. Good sources are green vegetables, legumes, liver, eggs and meat.
7. Just feeding the baby until the age of 4 months. Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of infants up to age 4 months, after which the food should be given breast milk (MP-ASI).
8. Make a habit of eating breakfast (breakfast) to maintain physical endurance and improve labor productivity.
9. Drink clean water, safe and sufficient in number, ie at least 2 liters, equivalent to 8 glasses every day, so that physiological processes in the body can take place smoothly and in balance.
10.Lakukan physical activity and regular exercise to achieve a normal weight and offset the excessive energy consumption.
11.Hindari drink alcoholic beverages.
12.Makanlah safe food for health, which is free from microbial contamination and hazardous chemicals, which can cause pain.
13. Read the labels on packaged foods, to determine the composition of the constituent materials (ingridien), nutrient composition, as well as the expiry date.


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