2 Exercise Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability of men to maintain an erection. Which increases the older age will usually experience this problem, although not infrequently also adolescents who experience it.

There are so many causes that lead to erectile dysfunction, of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, until the stress. Cause that's what usually causes the men experience erectile dysfunction. There are several exercises that can restore normal erectile function.

Exercise Cardiovascular (Heart).
Men with aging, highly vulnerable to diseases related to heart. Your heart is like life. When your heart stops, then you will die. A bit of exercise you do in the morning like running, cycling, and others will make your heart healthier.

It also will get the heart working properly pump blood to be normal. If your blood flow was normal, then your erection will function normally.

Kegel exercises.
Kegel exercises are very good for curing erectile dysfunction. The way you hold your urine flow. Do this on a regular basis when you urinate. When your urine is flowing, hold for 10 seconds so that urine does not flow. If this is done regularly, will make your penis erect properly.

Not only does it when you pee, you can do anywhere and anytime. As if you're not busy, you can try to pull the muscles in the area of your penis like you're peeing. This exercise is very good you do to cure erectile dysfunction.


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