Three Mineral Prevent Hypertension

Hypertension is easily detected, only the blood pressure measuring devices. A person classified as hypertensive if their blood pressure read more than 140/90. The first number is known as the systolic and the lower number is called diastolic. When you fall in blood pressure between 120/80 to 140/90, you are in pre-hypertension. Although the statistics revealed that billions of people around the world this disease, the problem can be controlled through a healthy lifestyle. There are ways to prevent pre-hypertension progress to hypertension. In the case of pre-hypertension, there are natural ways to control your blood pressure rise.

Eating foods with three essential minerals can help lower blood pressure levels. These types of minerals are potassium, magnesium and calcium.


Research has revealed that potassium will make the blood vessels are less sensitive to contraction. With blood vessels relax, blood flow pressure will tend to fall. These minerals can be found in foods such as vegetables, fruits and grains. Vegetables rich in potassium are cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, potatoes and tomatoes. Potassium-rich fruits are bananas and oranges. Strawberries, watermelon and apricots are also loaded with minerals. Cereal foods also contain potassium.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, these minerals regulate fluid levels in your cells. Also maintain healthy kidneys and heart muscle. In effect, the risk of heart disease and stroke will be decreased.


One of the important role of magnesium is its ability to regulate potassium and calcium in the cell body. This mineral also helps in the control of sodium which is the real cause of the hypertension. Magnesium also acts in the walls of blood vessels dilate to allow blood flow smoothly. In addition, this mineral can help lower triglyceride levels, produce energy and maintain a healthy heart.

The best sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables like spinach. Other foods that contain magnesium are broccoli, radish, pumpkin seeds, black beans, salmon and whole grains.


Make sure your daily diet contains sufficient potassium. Potassium can be obtained from fruits, vegetables and fish. food sources of potassium include bananas, apricots, kiwi, melons, avocados, oranges, pears, spinach, tomatoes, milk, fish and potatoes

Although all three minerals can be ingested through supplements, but it would be nice if they consume in their natural forms. Along with eating foods rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium, then your life will be healthy and avoid hypertension. But also to avoid hypertension, to consider diet, exercise, adequate rest and avoid stress.


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